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Coronavirus Madagascar

95 bytes added, 08:30, 2 June 2020
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<div style="border:1px solid green;display:inline-block;height:150px;width:150px;margin:4px;">
<font size="+1" color="#ff6900">CASES</font><br>
<font size="+10">698771</font></div>
<div style="border:1px solid green;display:inline-block;height:150px;width:150px;margin:4px;">
<font size="+1" color="#ff6900">DEATHSACTIVE</font><br><font size="+10">5597</font></div>
<div style="border:1px solid green;display:inline-block;height:150px;width:150px;margin:4px;">
<font size="+1" color="#70deae">RECOVERED</font><br>
<font size="+10">147168</font></div>
<div style="border:1px solid green;display:inline-block;height:150px;width:150px;margin:4px;">
<font size="+1" color="#ff6900">ACTIVEDEATHS</font><br><font size="+10">4376</font></div>
'''2 June 2020:''' 128 new coronavirus patients and 10 cured cases over the last May weekend.
'''30 May 2020:''' The COVID-19 Operational Command Center reports 698 confirmed cases and 5 deaths. For the time being, Madagascar has not yet reached the peak of the pandemic. Antananarivo and Toamasina are considered the epicenter of the coronavirus, several other cities are now contaminated, too. Only the Antsiranana province is not affected.

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