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Lily Waterfall

1 byte removed, 06:51, 29 March 2011
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Lily Waterfall or ''Les Chutes de la Lily'' is a waterfall full of legend located near the village of [[Ampefy]]. Four and a half kilometres west of Ampefy there is a junction with the sign to Lily Waterfalls on the left side of the road. From there a dirt road in poor condition leads another five kilometres to the waterfall, passing green farmland, numerous fields and a small village. Volcanic hills similar to those in a fantasy Teletubbies landscape frame the surrounding area.
[[File:Lily_Waterfall_0001Lily_Waterfall_0005.jpg|600px|thumb|none|Gemcutter Georges Andrianonison]]
After a 1.5-hour walk one reaches the idyllic village of [[Antafofo]], which lies directly at the powerful, 23 metres high waterfall. The village offers several small Malagasy restaurants. A tiny watermill supplies parts of Antafofo with electricity. Women and children offer carved volcanic rocks as souvenirs. There is a visitors fee of 2,000 Ariary per person and a parking fee of 1,000 Ariary per car. Next to the car parking area there is a small shop.
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-right:10px;"><tr>
<td valign="top">[[File:Lily_Waterfall_0002Lily_Waterfall_0001.jpg|185px|none|thumb|Georges checking the cutting]]</td><td valign="top">[[File:Lily_Waterfall_0003Lily_Waterfall_0004.jpg|185px|none|thumb|Fixing the stone in the armpiece]]</td><td valign="top">[[File:Lily_Waterfall_0004Lily_Waterfall_0003.jpg|185px|none|thumb|Georges at his work shop with his son]]</td></tr>
<td valign="top">[[File:Lily_Waterfall0_0005Lily_Waterfall_0002.jpg|185px|none|thumb|Working with armpiece]]</td>
<td valign="top">[[File:Lily_Waterfall_0006.jpg|185px|none|thumb|Shaping of the stone]]</td>
<td valign="top">[[File:Lily_Waterfall_0007.jpg|185px|none|thumb|Working with armpiece]]</td>

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