Bike Repair Alain

Revision as of 06:19, 24 November 2017 by MissMada (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 06:19, 24 November 2017 by MissMada (talk | contribs)

Alain runs together with a small team a bicycle repair shop near the big market in Diego Suarez. The repair shop may look a bit messy, but the work done is of high quality and inexpensive.

Bike Repair Alain
Rue Sainte Marie
Antsiranana (Diego Suarez)

Tel: +261 (0)32 7849626 (mobile)

GPS coordinates
Google: 12°17'13.3"S 49°17'36.1"E
Garmin: -12.287013 49.293363

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