North Western Wildlife Photography Tour

Revision as of 05:37, 24 June 2018 by MissMada (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 05:37, 24 June 2018 by MissMada (talk | contribs)

Ankarafantsika National Park - Sahamalaza National Park - Nosy Komba - Nosy Tanikely - Nosy Be - Ankarana National Park - Andrafiamena Special Reserve - Amber Montain National Park - Emerald Bay
15 days & 14 nights


Ankarafansika National Park: Observation of Coquerel's sifaka and rich birdlife
Sahamalaza National Park: Observation of the endangered Blue-eyed black lemur
Snorkelling in the Nosy Tanikely Marine National Park
Day excursion to Nosy Iranja with possibility to see sea turtles
Tsingy of Ankarana West: Visit of Big Tsingy and Lac Vert (Green Lake)
Tsingy of Ankarana East: Visit Tsingy Meva and bat cave
Andrafiamena Special Reserve: Observation of the endangered Black sifaka (Perrier's sifaka)
Amber Montain National Park: Discovering Crowned lemur in the rainforest
Emerald Sea: Day excursion in traditional sailing pirogue

Tour description

Day 1: Antananarivo (L/D)

Arrival at Ivato International Airport, reception and transfer to the hotel in Antananarivo. Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

Day 2: Antananarivo - Ankarafantsika National Park (B/L/D)

Breakfast and departure to Ankarafantsika National Park in the northwest of Madagascar (6h drive). Picnic lunch on the way. Arrival at the hotel. Dinner and overnight in Ankarafantsika National Park.

Day 3: Ankarafantsika National Park (B/L/D)

After breakfast, day visit to the dry deciduous forest of Ankarafantsika. The national park consists of a dry deciduous forest and wet forest and is home of rare endemic wildlife. Several species of lemurs can be found, such as the Coquerel's sifaka and Mongoose lemur, as well as snakes and chameleons. The site is also popular for bird watching, like the Van Dam's vanga and asity. On and around Lake Ravelobe, part of the park, live numerous endemic aquatic birds such as Humblot’s heron, Madagascar jacana, ducks and the famous Madagascar fish eagle (one of the seven most endangered raptors in the world). Lunch, dinner and overnight at the hotel in Ankarafantsika National Park.

Day 4: Ankarafantsika National Park - Antsohihy (B/L/D)

Breakfast, during the morning we visit majestic baobab trees (Adansonia digitata), one of the seven species which grow on Madagascar and among the eight species growing in the world. Optional night walk. Lunch at the hotel. At 11pm departure to Antsohihy (5.5h drive). Arrival at the hotel. Dinner and night in Antsohihy.

Day 5: Antsohihy - Sahamalaza National Park - Ankify (B/L/D)

Breakfast at the hotel and thereafter departure to Sahamalaza National Park. Short visit to the forest to discover the endangered Blue-eyed black lemur (beside the human the only primate with blue eyes). Picnic lunch on the way. Continuation to Ambanja and Ankify (3h drive). Dinner and night in Ankify.
