Coronavirus Madagascar

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Madagascar Coronavirus 001.jpg

  • 23 March 2020: Nine new cases of Coronavirus bringing the total number to 12 confirmed cases. State of Health Emergency is declared for 15 days, to be reevaluated as the situation evolves. Affected regions are Antananarivo and Tamatave. Stop of public transport and confinement of the people in these provinces is announced along with a curfew between 8pm and 5am. Transport to and from affected areas limited to health professionals and other essential personnel including press organisations. Transport of goods are exempt. Health controls placed outside the capital and around major cities of the country. Tracking of all passengers having arrived in Madagascar since 14th March begins. Meanwhile, rumours of a Malagasy air passenger having arrived in Antalaha on a flight from France to Tana with infected passengers raise fear across the SAVA region where offices and other businesses in Antalaha, Sambava, Andapa and Vohemar to close. Banks, supermarkets and other essential services remain open with banks letting one customer in at the time.
  • 21 March 2020: Three cases of Coronavirus infected passengers were detected arriving on three separate flights on 17th, 18th and 19th March from France, with one of the infected passing through Mauritius. These passengers are in treatment and all passengers on the same flights in quarantine. Schools around the country have been ordered to suspend lessons for 14 days.
  • 20 March 2020: Madagascar closes its borders for incoming and outgoing passenger air travel. Hotels on Nosy Be close and many hotel workers lost their jobs, resulting in a wave of crime and security problems on the island which normally rely on tourism. The situation is tense. Meanwhile the Tourism Minister announces to a group of hotel operators during a meeting on the island that the travel ban will be for 90 days, previously reported 30 days in media.

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