Baie des Dunes

Revision as of 15:11, 26 November 2020 by MissMada (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 15:11, 26 November 2020 by MissMada (talk | contribs)

Baie des Dunes (Dunes Bay) is one of the many beautiful bays which can be found in northern Madagascar. The bay is very often mentioned in connection with Baie des Pigeons and Sakalava Bay, forming The Three Bays - a popular excursion destination in the Antsiranana region.

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Baie des Dunes is easily accessible by foot from Ramena village. The about four kilometres walk along a sandy road passes the military base ORANGEA (5,000 Ariary entry fee) with ruins of former military buildings. Throughout almost the entire walk the road is framed by dense bush, home to all kinds of birds. Not only bird lovers will enjoy the steadily singsong of the small performers. Now and then free roaming zebus, goats or an occasional boa will cross the path. Just before Baie des Dunes one can visit the Cap Miné Lighthouse.

Remains of a defense construction built by the French are guarding the bay. Baie des Dunes is a wonderful place to spend a day on the beach. The north side of the bay is good for snorkelling. On the south side, there is a small picnic area in the shade of a large tree. A bit further a half-island separates Baie des Dunes from Baie des Pigeons.

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  • View all Baie des Dunes photos
  • Note: In 2011 there were reports of at least five non-violent robberies in the area.