Produits TAF Madagascar

Revision as of 07:00, 4 February 2012 by MissMada (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 07:00, 4 February 2012 by MissMada (talk | contribs)


Fleur de Sel

  • sea salt with pepper or combava
  • 100% natural, harvested by hand
  • Magnesium: 380mg/100g, Calcium: 320mg/100g

Description on the package: The salt from the Salinière d'Antsiranana area is harvested by hand according ancient methods of the salt workers of the Atlantic. The result is a natural, high-quality salt, one of the wonders of Antsiranana in Madagascar. Before serving, sprinkle the salt over the food and the salt will release its delicate flavour.

Café Moka

Taf Cafe Moka 001.jpg
  • 75% robusta from the east coast, 25% arabica from the highlands
  • vacuum packed

Description on the package: A rich and complex aroma, excellent and well balanced. It is a tasty coffee.

Other products

  • coffee, curry, pepper, vanilla tea

Produits TAF Madagascar
Lalana Ravoninahitriniarivo
BP 1442 Antananarivo 101

Mr Chen Pen
Tel: +261 (0)20 22 394 40
Fax: +261 (0)20 22 394 44