
Isalo National Park

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Reptiles and Amphibians
=== Mammals ===
* 14 species of primates can be found in the park, of which are 8 introduced and 7 endemic to Madagascar. The following lemurs are nocturnal (active at night): Coquerel's giant mouse lemur (''Mirza coquereli''), Red-tailed sportive lemur (''Lepilemur ruficaudatus''), Western fat-tailed dwarf lemur (''Cheirogaleus medius'') and the Grey mouse lemur (''Microcebus murinus''). The Verreaux's sifaka ("Propithecus verreauxi"), Ring-tailed lemur ("Lemur catta") and Brown lemur ("Eulemur fulvus") are diurnal (day active).
* Carnivores: Small Indian civet (''Viverricula indica''), Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) and the Malagasy civet ("Fossa fossana").
* Insectivores: Lesser hedgehog tenrec ("Echinops telfairi).
* Omnivores (all-eater)
* Rodents
By 2009 following mammals were listed in the park:
<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0">
<tr bgcolor="#dccbb3" valign="top"><td>Family</td>
<td>Scientific name</td>
<td>English name</td>
== The best fauna most visible to tourists ==