
Masoala National Park

8,775 bytes added, 11:21, 29 July 2023
Guides and entrance fees
The entire Masoala protected area with a total surface of 240,520ha is divided into four terrestrial sections and three marine zones:
* The main land mainland plot covers 227,020ha of forest
* The detached land plot of Andranoanala covers 1,300ha
* The detached land plot of Andranomainty covers 1,600ha
The particularity of Masoala is its terrestrial ecosystem, which is characterised by rainforests ranging from 0m to 1,300m above sea level. Masoala is one of the rare regions of Madagascar where the edge of the forest literally meets the sea. A fragile forest corridor joins the forest of the Masoala peninsula with the [[Anjanaharibe Sud Special Reserve|Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve]] and the [[Makira Plateau]]. The existence of the corridor is essential to prevent Masoala from becoming an isolated ecosystem in terms of wildlife.
The marine and coastal ecosystem is characterised by several forest and rock patches, sandy bays, coral reefs, seagrass beds and narrow strips of mangrove forest.
* Dense humid forest
* Eastern coastal forest
* Marine environment [[File:378.JPG|600px]]<br><br>
== Fauna ==
=== Birds ===
Until 2008, 102 species of birds were identified in Masoala, of which over 60% are endemic to Madagascar. Different inventories led to the rediscovery of the ''Eutriorchis astur'' ([[Madagascar Serpent Eagleserpent eagle]]) in 1993. The Madagascar Serpent Eagle is considered the rarest bird of prey in the world and Masoala is currently the only place where this species has been observed on several occasions. [[File:162.JPG|600px]]
Masoala is also the home of the ''Tyto soumagnei'' ([[Madagascar red owl]]), which was first discovered in the forest of the Ambanizana region on the Masoala peninsula. The Madagascar red owl is one of the rarest birds in Madagascar and one of the most endangered species of owls in the world.
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Eutriorchis astur''</td>
<td>Madagascar Serpent Eagleserpent eagle</td>
<td>Endemic to Madagascar.</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Accipiter Henstiihenstii''</td>
<td>Henst's goshawk</td>
<td>Endemic to Madagascar.</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Atelornis pittoides''</td>
<td>Pitta-like ground -roller</td>
<td>Species belonging to a family endemic to Madagascar.</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Phyllastrephus cinereiceps''</td>
<td>GrayGrey-crowned greenbul</td>
<td>Endemic to Madagascar.</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Lophotibis cristata''</td>
<td>Madagascan Madagascar crested ibis</td>
<td>Endemic to Madagascar.</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Brachypteracias leptosomus''</td>
<td>Short-legged ground -roller</td>
<td>Species belonging to a family endemic to Madagascar.</td></tr>
* Eight nocturnal (night active) species
The species ''Varecia variegata'' can be found on Nosy Mangabe and the endemic subspecies ''Varecia rubra'' on the Masoala peninsula.<br><br> [[File:402.JPG|600px]]
Four of the lemur species found on Masoala are recorded as endangered on the Red List of the [ International Union for Conservation of Nature]:<br><br>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Varecia rubra''</td>
<td>[[Red ruffed lemur]]</td>
<td>A subspecies which can be found only on the peninsula.</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Daubentonia madagascariensis''</td>
<td>The strangest mammal on Madagascar and the sole representative of the Daubentoniidae family.</td></tr>
=== Reptiles and Amphibians ===
The few inventories carried out in this area have identified 60 species of reptiles and 44 species of amphibians. For Nosy Mangabe 30 species of reptiles and 22 species of amphibians were listed.
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As in many other locations in Madagascar, there are many reptiles and amphibians on Masoala which have not even been identified or documented yet.
The most dominant genus of coral is Acropora, which reflects a good reef condition as members of this group are very fragile and sensitive to degradation.
Todate these inventories has have only been made in shallow waters, so a further inventory in the outer reefs will reveal the true wealth of biodiversity of the coastal waters around the Masoala peninsula.<br><br>
=== Mollusca (Sea Snails and Slugs) ===
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Euryceros prevostii''</td>
<td>[[Helmet vanga ]] / Siketribe</td>
<td>Bird with large blue beak.</td>
<td>In the lowland forest of Masoala.</td>
There are two ways to reach the park, either via Maroantsetra or via Antalaha. The easiest and fastest mode of transport is by plane. [[Air Madagascar]] operates scheduled flights to Maroantsetra and Antalaha.
A car ride from [[Tamatave]] to Maroantsetra along the RN5 takes about two days (400km) mostly on a very bad road, which is often closed due to cyclones from December to March. It is also possible to take an off road taxi brousse from Mandritsara to Maroantsetra. Coming from Antalaha, there is a 45km stretch to [[Andranoanala]] (Cap Est). During the dry season the ride takes about four hours by 4x4 car, while in the rainy season some bridges may be impassable and rivers must be crossed by pirogue.
Alternatively and if coming by Tamatave, it is possible to reach Maroantsetra by sea. Depending on the season, cargo boats leave three to six times a week from Tamatave. The journey by sea takes between one and two days.<br> [[File:321.JPG|600px]]<br>
== Guides and entrance fees ==
There are 20 guides working in the park. They all speak French and Malagasy and are educated in guiding techniques, biodiversity and the history of the area.
The admission fee for visiting the park depends on how many days will be spent in the park. Foreign for foreign tourists pay 25is 45,000 Ariary for 1 per day, 37children pay 25,000 Ariary for 2 days, 40,000 Ariary for 3 days and 50,000 Ariary for 4 to 10 days per day (prices 20102015). Guides are obligatory. The fee for a guide depends on the chosen tour (circuit). There are also porters available. The fee for a porter on the Masoala peninsula is 12,000 Ariary per day, including his meals and accommodation.
The income derived from entrance fees is used to finance several microprojects in the area, such as building of wells, a market place, a library and tree nursery. Additionally to these projects, villagers receive education in the cultivation of vanilla and crop storage.<br> Recommended guides based in Maroantsetra: * [[Claudio Ramiandry]]** Tel: +261 (0)32 049 36 46 / Email: []* [[Pascal]] from Masoala Adventure Discovery** Tel: +261 (0)32 57 940 24 / +261 (0)34 89 704 24 / Email: [], []* Nico from [[Nico Tours Masoala]]** Tel: +261 (0)34 21 685 85 / +261 (0)32 86 953 64 / Email: []* Patrick from [[Masoala Birding Camp]]** Tel: +261 (0)32 86 938 84 / Email: []<br><br>*Juberson Paul from [[Masoala Travel Guide]]** Tel: +261(0)34 93 094 56[]
== Circuits (Tours) ==
=== Nosy Mangabe Special Reserve Circuit ===
Easy to medium circuit, 5km from Maroantsetra. The visit can be between 3 hours and 2 days (including an overnight stay).<br>
'''What to see?'''<br>
The 520ha large island of Nosy Mangabe is located 15 minutes by speed boat from Maroantsetra. The reserve offers rainforest, a waterfall and beachesa beach. In the north at the historical site of Plage des Hollandais (Dutch beach) you can see inscriptions carved in the rocks by Dutch sailors in dating back to the 16th century. Cultural sites include Betsimisaraka tombs. The fauna and flora can easily be easily observed. You can see spot geckos, the mantela or the Aye-aye, which is one of the five lemur species on the island.<br>
Licensed guide: 24,000 Ariary (1-5 people), trainee guide: 18,000 Ariary (1-5 people)<br>
Camping: 2,000 Ariary per tent/night, camp shelter: 5,000 Ariary per tent/night<br><br>
=== Cap Est Circuit ===Easy to medium circuit. 40km/50km from Maroantsetra to Cap Est, about 1.5 to 2 hours by speed boat.<br>'''What to see?'''<br>This is one of the few places in Madagascar where the primary forest, which consists of lowland forest and coastal forest, reaches the sea. The dense humid forest hits the coast along kilometres of beach.<googlemap versionbr>Licensed guide: 24,000 Ariary (1-5 people), trainee guide: 18,000 Ariary (1-5 people)<br>Camp site Andrakadilagna: 2,000 Ariary per tent/night, camp shelter: 5,000 Ariary per tent/night<br><br> === Ambodilaitry Marine Reserve Circuit ="0==Easy circuit. 60km from Maronatsetra, about 3.5 to 4 hours by speed boat.<br>'''What to see?'''<br>At this circuit you can relax on the white beach, swim in the ocean and turquoise lagoon as well as discover the coral reef.9" lat<br>Licensed guide: 24,000 Ariary (1-5 people), trainee guide: 18,000 Ariary (1-5 people)<br>Camping at the shore of the marine park: 2,000 Ariary per tent/night, camp shelter: 5,000 Ariary per tent/night<br><br> === Circuit of the detached land plot Andranoanala (Cap Est) ==="Easy circuit. 45km from Antalaha, about 4 hours by 4x4 car.<br>'''What to see?'''<br>This circuit takes you through the coastal forest to the discover carnivorous plant ''Nepenthes masoalensis'', also named pitcher plant. The coastal forest is a completely different type of forest. In Andranoanala, there are also swamps and flooded forest.<br>Licensed guide: 30,000 Ariary (1-5 people), trainee guide: 26,000 Ariary (1-155 people).326572" lonThe guide comes from Antalaha. The fee for the guide includes his travel costs, meals and accommodation.<br><br> === Trekkking from Maroantsetra - Antalaha or Cap Est ==="49Average to challenging circuit. 100km to 120km from Antalaha to Maroantsetra (3 to 5 days), 100km to 120km from Maroantsetra to Cap Est (5 to 7 days).<br>'''What to see?'''<br>A hike from Antalaha to Maroantsetra or from Maroantsetra to Cap Est takes you through small farming villages and dense humid rainforest. You will see vanilla and cloves cultivation and meet the villagers.<br>Licensed guide: 24,000 Ariary (1-5 people), trainee guide: 18,000 Ariary (1-5 people). An additional 30,000 Ariary apply for the guide's return journey.<br>Camp site [[Ambatoledama]]: 2,000 Ariary per tent/night, camp shelter: 5,000 Ariary per tent/night.603271" <br><br> <HTML5video type="mapyoutube" zoomwidth="8600" controlsheight="large338">VLh0_Bjxu3I</HTML5video== Habits and customs in the region ==''Tsaboraha'' is a traditional custom widespread in the region. This 3-15day long ceremony brings together the entire community and strengthens social bonds.  After the family has obtained permission from ancestral spirits, men, women and children of the region participate in the preparation of the ritual. After each step, large quantities of ''[[betsabetsa]]'' (local rum) are distributed.564836 Men will cut the wood that children collected in the surrounding forest, 50while the women prepare the rice.125122 Young men of the village participate in ''tolon'omby'', a form of bullfighting with a strong young bull which is marked with a white spot on the forehead. Once tamed, the bull is taken to the ''fijoroana'' (a sacred place) and will be sacrificed the following day after a festive evening and the search for a sacred tree during night. After the killing the body of the bull is shared and prepared for a feast that can bring together up to a thousand people.<br><br> ''Rasariagna'' is a kind of ''joro'' (glorification) by the Betsimisaraka to commemorate the good deeds of their ancestors. They do this to thank their ancestors and to show them that they are not forgotten. The ''rasariagna'' always takes place on a Saturday.<br><br> ''Tsikafara'' is a kind of ''joro'' that the Betsimisaraka perform when they are faced with difficulty.Before an exam or any test, they will make an offering to the ancestors to ask for their support in solving the task without obstacles. This vow is made in private or in public. If the task is successful the vow must be fulfilled.<br><br> These events are always characterised by the sacrification of a [[zebu]] followed by a feast with family, friends and villagers. The ancestors are omnipresent at all times.<br><br> == Cultural highlights in the region ==* Historical: According to historians, the first people who came to Madagascar settled around Antongil Bay. During the 15th and 16th century, slave traders used Nosy Mangabe as a stopover during their sails to Asia or Europe.* Sacred places: [[Anjagnaharibe]] (on the Masoala National Parktip). A sacred place where entry is strictly regulated by a local community organisation and which is respected by many families of the Masoala peninsula.* Legend: ''Maevarano'' is the story of a nobleman from the west, who in revenge for his brother gave food to the crocodile descendants of his slaves. That was the birth of the ''Zafirabay'' clan.<br><br> == Fady - What not to do in the region ==* Each family lives according to their own [[fady|fady's]]. But in general it is forbidden to work on the fields on Tuesdays and Thursdays.* Chameleons are not appreciated, although they are highly endangered.<br><br> == Accommodation in the park ==There are various camp sites in the park. However, please note that the park does not rent out camping equipment. It is possible to rent camping equipment in Maroantsetra and Antalaha. Beside camping, it is also possible to stay in the simple house of a villager.<br> '''[[Tampolodge]]''' (9 bungalows)<br>Tampolo<br>Tel: +261 (0)33 1133870 (mobile) or +261 (0)32 4021798 (mobile)<br>Email: []<br>Website: [] '''[[Hippocampe|l'Hippocampe]]'''<br>S 15°42.943'<br>E049°57.690'<br>Email: []<br>Tel: +261 (0)32 86 938 84 / +261 (0)32 70 346 95
== Accommodation =='''[[Masoala Village Lodge]]'''<br>S 15°42.885'<br>E049°57.726'<br>Tel: +261 (0)32 86 938 84
'''Tampolodge[[Masoala Birding Camp]]'''<br>Fax: +261 020 5772149S 15°43.574'<br>Email: [mailto:f-f@wanadooE049°]102'<br>WebsiteTel: []<!--Address: a B.P.61 EXPLORER MADAGASCAR512 Maroantsetra-->+261 (0)32 86 938 84
'''[[Masoala Forest Lodge]]'''(6 safari-style tents)<br>Tampolo<br>Tel: +41 52624 1077 261 (Switzerland0)20 2226114<br>Email: []<br>Website: []<br>
'''[[Ecolodge Chez Arol Lodge]]'''(8 bungalows)<br>Ambodiforaha, near Tampolo<br>Tel: 033 12 902 77+261 (0)33 1290277 (mobile) or +261 (0)32 4088902(mobile)<br>
Email: []<br>
Website: [http://arollodgewww.freearol-ecolodge.frcom]<br><br> <div style="max-width:600px;">{{#display_map:-15.564836, 50.125122~'''Masoala National Park'''~~;|type=map|service=google|width=auto|height=400|zoom=9|controls=pan, zoom, type, scale|copycoords=yes|icon=}}</div> == Guides == * [[Claudio Ramiandry]]* [[Pascal]]* Nico from [[Nico Tours Masoala]]* [[Moses]] from [[Madagascar Safari Tour Guide]]* [[Jean Emile]] from [[Masoala Nature Guide]]* Patrick from [[Masoala Birding Camp]]*Juberson from [[Masoala Travel Guide]] == Additional information ==* View [[Chloe's photos|Chloe's Masoala photos]] * Various [[Masoala National Park photos]]* Photos from [[Marion|Marion and Laurent]]* Photos from [[Tampolodge photos|Tampolodge]]* Photos from [[Annette]]* [ Madagascar National Parks] - Plentiful information about the National Parks in Madagascar in English, French, German and Italian* [ China’s rosewood craving cuts deep into Madagascar rainforests] The Guardian, 16th February 2015* [[media:Strategic Plan for Management of Coastal Zone of Masoala Peninsula.htm pdf|Strategic Plan for Management of Coastal Zone of Masoala Peninsula]] (1995)** == Google Newsfeed == Below are links to various articles via ''[https://news.freegoogle.frcom Google News]'' using the keyword ''Masoala'':<rss template="Google-feed" filterout=“deprecated"></rss> <!--  [[fr: Masoala et RS Nosy Mangabe]]
'''Cap Est'''
* '''La Résidence du Cap'''
* '''Hotel du Voyage'''