

256 bytes added, 05:17, 24 June 2014
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'''The village Maromandia is located along the road from [[Antalaha]] to [[Marofinaritra]], from where the trail across the [[Masoala|Masoala Peninsula]] direction [[Maroantsetra]] starts.'''
Maromandia can be translated with "many steps" (<i>maro</i> = many, <i>mandia</i> = to tread on, to step). The village is surrounded by numerous rice fields. On the north side of the village snakes the <i>Ankavia<i> river with its partly sandy river bed.  <googlemap version="0.9" lat="-14.809404998266" lon="50.122376137611" zoom="915" controls="large">-14.999817, 50.13755013755