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[[File:Tanala_woman.jpg|230px|left|thumb|Tanala Woman]]
Tanala literally means ''People of the forest''. Almost 4% of the population of Madagascar are Tanala. They are a small tribe of forest dwellers living inland, separating . Their homeland separates the east coast from the central highlands. The [[Ranomafana National Park ]] is located in the area of the Tanala.
The Tanala tribe is divided into two subgroupssub-groups: the [[Menabe]] in the mountainous north and the [[Ikongo]] in the more accessible south. Their houses are usually built on stilts. The Tanala people are skilled woodsmen, food gatherers, and hunters. Beside Besides slash-and-burn agriculture, the they grow rice, corn, yams and coffee.
The traditional dance of the Tanala is the ''[[Dombolo]]''.