
Parasite Afrique

198 bytes added, 09:24, 12 June 2016
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'''Parasite Afrique, also known as ''puce chique'' or simply ''paras'' , is an egg-laying flea that is easily contracted on the foot soles and , feet or lower legs from stepping barefoot on beaches in wet areas where livestock roam. Most Malagasy people living in affected areas, such as [[Tamatave]], have experienced the problem. Depending on the stage of infection, treatment include includes surgically removing the parasites combined with antibiotics.'''
Sand fleas enter below the skin's surface of foot soles and/or under a toe nail and where they remain to lay their eggs.
Symptom Symptoms usually occurs occur after a couple of days as one will feel an itching. The At the affectedareas appear as a light dot with a black middlewill appear. This knot containing the eggs can be the size of a small lentil and should be removed intact. Doing so, the skin should be opened, usually with a needle, a procedure preferably done by a doctor. If the knot is broken, surrounding tissues should be removed to prevent further infection. If the infection has occurred below a nail, the nail must first be removed.
The skin should then be opened, usually with a needle, to remove the knot containing the eggs, a procedure preferably done by a doctor. The knot may be the size of a small lentil. If the infection has occurred below the nail, the nail must first be removed. To prevent these parasites to make themselves at home below your skin, be careful while on "dirty" beaches where animals such as pigs and zebu roam. Brushing your feet and lower legs with soap after visiting such beaches is recommended.