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In 2015, Dylan started a farmers cooperative named ''Madagascar Natural Products'', or MNP for short. The cooperarive provides agricultural training, and equipment to its members, such as flashlights and raincoats when needed. Through education and support, MNP's objective is to help its member farmers grow the highest quality gourmet vanilla. As of 2017, there are four member families with eight individual farmers each. In total, 32 farmers located in areas stretching from and around Andapa to Sambava are part of the cooperative.
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During the vanilla processing season from June until August Madagascar Spices has 25 staff members in Andapa and 10 in Sambava. The 20th June is the official start of harverstingharvesting. The processing, or so-called curing process of each vanilla pod, takes approximately one month. This includes the cooking the pods to retain the aroma for longer, drying, sorting and packaging. The vanilla is then ready for export. Madagascar Spices takes great pride in their end-products that is achived through the highly laborous process from hand-pollination to packaging. Additionally, their products are 100% organic with no use of artificial fertilisers. The company accepts small and large orders with the smallest shipment being 2kg, which can be sent worldwide by DHL or FedEx.
Dylan can be reached via email [mailto:spices2015.company@gmail.com spices2015.company@gmail.com] and [mailto:dylan.randriamihaja@yahoo.fr dylan.randriamihaja@yahoo.fr]
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