
Plague affected areas 2017

3,742 bytes added, 10:04, 14 January 2021
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<googlemap version="0.9" latdiv style="max-17.525579" lon="47.955881" height="600" controls="largewidth:600px;">{{#display_map:-17.830046, 48.425932~'''Ambatondrazaka district'''~~;-18.732428, 47.339401~'''Ambohidratrimo district'''~~;-19.198123, 47.573547~'''Andramasina district'''~~;-18.319052, 47.11916~'''Ankazobe district'''~~;-19.437425, 48.205519~'''Anosibean'ala district'''~~;-18.895998, 47.519474~'''Tana north'''~~;-18.939924, 47.52471~'''Tana south'''~~;-19.017709, 47.181945~'''Arivonimamo district'''~~;-19.403269, 46.950974~'''Faratsiho district'''~~;-16.94952, 46.829052~'''Maevatanana district'''~~;-15.712397, 46.31012~'''Majunga 1 district'''~~;-18.951562, 46.905999~'''Miarinarivo district'''~~;-18.939624, 48.225517~'''Moramanga district'''~~;-18.158444, 49.396591~'''Toamasina district'''~~;-18.771221, 46.050138Tsiroanomandidy ~''' district'''~~;-13.35836, 50.011997~'''Vohémar district'''~~;-21.23467, 47.245374~'''Ambalavao district'''~~;|type=satellite|centre=-19.195387970869778,47.30596984375002|service=google|width=auto|height=650|zoom=6|controls=pan, zoom, type, scale|copycoords=yes|icon=}}</googlemapdiv>
'''== Affected districts'''==
* Ambatondrazaka
== Treatments ==
* CotrimTo be taken for 10 days + min. 3 days after fever is gone
=== Co-Trimoxazol (aka. Cotrim) ===
* 10 960 mg tablets 11.88€
* 20 960 mg tablets 12.48€
* 50 960 mg tablets 16.70€
* Streptomycin (WHO 2015)* Gentamicin (WHO 2015)Available also in powder solution.
More at
* Ciprofloxacin* Tetracyclin (WHO 2015)* Doxycyclin* CoNote: This is the same medicine as [* ChloraphenicolBACTRIM-FORTE.htm BACTRIM]
* to be taken for 10 days + min. 3 days after fewer is gone=== Ciprofloxacin ===
=== Levofloxacin ===
=== Streptomycin (WHO 2015) ===
* available only as injections (reqires cold transport)
More at
=== Gentamicin (WHO 2015) ===
* eye-drops only or powder
=== Ciprofloxacin ===
* 28 tablets 750 mg 27€
=== Tetracyclin (WHO 2015) ===
* 30 tablets 500 mg 17.50€
=== Doxycyclin ===
* 20 tablets 200mg 12.99€
=== Chloraphenicol ===
* only avialble for animals
'''WHO statement 2015'''<br>
Treatment with common antibiotics such as ''tetracyclines, gentamycin or streptomycin are efficient on human plague'' but their efficacy depends on early detection. When this is the case, case fatality can be reduced from 60% to less than 15% for bubonic plague. This is especially important for the pneumonic form, which is highly contagious, can kill in less than 24 hours, and is invariably fatal in the absence of treatment.
For more information please contact:'''WHO statement 2017'''<br>Fadéla Chaib''Pneumonic plague'' can be fatal within 18 to 24 hours of disease onset if left untreated, but ''common antibiotics for enterobacteria'' (gram negative rods) can effectively cure the disease if they are delivered early.  '''WHO statement 2017'''<br>WHO Department Rapid diagnosis and treatment is essential to reduce complications and fatality. Effective treatment methods enable plague patients to be cured, if diagnosed in time. These methods include the administration of Communications''antibiotics as Aminoglycosides, Fluoroquinolones, Sulfonamides'' and supportive therapy.  '''Net Doctor'''<br>Mobile: +41 79 475 5556Die Pest wird heutzutage mit Antibiotika behandelt. Mittel der Wahl sind Antibiotika wie ''Streptomycin, Gentamycin, Tetracycline wie Doxycyclin oder Chloramphenicol''. Wichtig sind eine schnelle Diagnose und ein frühzeitiger Therapiebeginn, um Komplikationen wie die Pestsepsis zu verhindern.  '''Pharmazeutische Zeitung 2011'''<br>Telephone: +41 22 791 3228'''Yersinia pestis''' wird vor allem durch den Biss von Rattenflöhen auf Menschen übertragen. Mittel der ersten Wahl zur Behandlung einer Pest-Infektion sind ''Gentamicin, Streptomycin oder Ciprofloxacin''. Weitere Antibiotika, die zur Therapie oder prophylaktisch eingesetzt werden, sind ''Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin und Doxycyclin''.  '''Apotheken Umschau'''<br>Email: chaibf@whoDie Pest ist mit Antibiotika behandelbar. Üblicherweise wird eine ''zehntägige'' Antibiotikatherapie, vorzugsweise mit ''Streptomycin'' durchgeführt. Auch ''Gentamycin, Tetrazyklin, Doxycyclin und Chloramphenicol'' sind
== Links ==
* [ A huge plague season ends, here are the latest numbers] * [ Plague outbreak situation reports] * [ Plague - Madagascar. Information for international travellers] by the WHO (, 3rd October 2017) * [ Plague fact sheet] by WHO, 7th October 2017 * [ Info for Healthcare Professionals] * [ Merkblatt für Beschäftigte und Reisende] - Auswärtiges Amt, Oktober 2017 * [ Why 'Plague Season' Is A Big Worry In Madagascar This Year] * [ Seltenere Pest-Form breitet sich auf Madagaskar aus], Die Welt 5th October 2017 * * *