
North Western Wildlife Photography Tour

55 bytes added, 05:22, 4 April 2019
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'''Sahamalaza National Park:''' Observation of the endangered Blue-eyed black lemur<br>
Snorkelling in the '''Nosy Tanikely Marine National Park'''<br>
Day excursion to '''Nosy Iranja''' with a possibility to see sea turtles<br>
'''Tsingy of Ankarana West:''' Visit of Big Tsingy and Lac Vert (Green Lake)<br>
'''Tsingy of Ankarana East:''' Visit Tsingy Meva and bat cave<br>
'''Andrafiamena Special Reserve:''' Observation of the endangered Black sifaka (Perrier's sifaka)<br>
'''Amber Montain National Park:''' Discovering [[Crowned lemur]] in the rainforest<br>
'''Emerald Sea:''' Day excursion in a traditional sailing pirogue
=== Tour description ===
'''Day 5: Antsohihy - Sahamalaza National Park - [[Ankify]] (B/L/D)'''<br>

Breakfast at the hotel and thereafter departure to Sahamalaza National Park. Short visit to the forest to discover the endangered Blue-eyed black lemur (besides beside the human the only primate with blue eyes). Picnic lunch on the way. Continuation to [[Ambanja]] and Ankify (3h drive). Dinner and night in Ankify.
'''Day 6: Ankify - [[Nosy Komba]] - [[Nosy Tanikely]] - [[Nosy Be]] (B/L/D)'''<br>

Breakfast and thereafter transfer by speedboat to Nosy Komba (45min), visit of a Sakalava fishermen village and the little reserve. Then speedboat transfer to Nosy Tanikely Marine National Park. Arrival on the island and snorkelling along the coral reef. The seabed of this marine protected reserve is covered by very colourful colorful corals of all kinds. Reef fish such as parrotfish, surgeonfish, clownfish swimming among sea anemones, shellfish and sea turtles. Picnic lunch on the beach. In the afternoon speedboat transfer to Nosy Be (1h), then transfer to the hotel.
'''Day 7:'''<br>
'''Day 8: Nosy Be - Ankify - [[Ankarana National Park]] (East) (B/L/D)'''<br>

Breakfast and transfer to the harbour. Transfer by speedboat to Ankify (1h), continuation to Ankarana National Park by car (3h drive). Arrival and lunch at the lodge. In the afternoon, visit to of the bat cave and lost river. This park protects one of the largest stretches of Tsingy, Madagascar's most bizarre, wonderful, and out-of-another-world landscape. Dinner and night in Ankarana National Park (East).
'''Day 9: Ankarana National Park (West) (B/L/D)'''<br>
For more information about this tour please contact [[Pascal]] directly:
<!--Email: []<br>-->Email: [] / []
Tel: +261 (0)32 57 940 24<br>