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Lot. A109AMH<br>
Diego Suarez<br>
Note: There are also ticket resellers for this and other boat services next to [[Gargote Samiah]] closer to the town centre in Diego Suarez, but the main office along the RN6 direction airport is the recommended ticketing office.<br>
Contact: Patricia<br>
== Samy Express - Vedette Rapid - Vohemar ==
[[File:Samy Express 093095.jpg|200px|left]]
Next to Hôtel Côcô Plage<br>
Contact: Beandalana<br>
Tel: +261 (0)32 27 889 57 / +261 (0)32 62 075 08<br>
The price for the boat ride between Ambolobozobe and Vohemar is 100,000 Ariary (2019)
'''For those looking for a faster and more convenient boat service, look no further because there is none. Samy Express is the best there is!'''
View all [[Samy Express photos]]