
Anjahankely Tree Nursery

45 bytes removed, 08:57, 13 December 2020
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The tree nursery which plants approximately 30,000 trees p/year is located in the village of [[Anjahankely]] and fulfils an essential role in protecting its nearby lemur habitat.
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Trees planted include the endemic ''[[Rozana|Schizolaena viscosa]]'' species which with its yellow flowers between May and December provides a food source to the lemurs. ''Breonadia salicina'' and ''Intsia'' trees are also planted at river sources to protect the waterways while ''Albizia lebbeck'' is planted to improve the forage for grazing zebu livestock.
A visit Approximately two-thirds of the remaining Perrier's sifaka (''Propithecus perrieri'') live in the forests close to the tree nursery combined with a stay at . Other endangered lemur species in the wider Andrafiamena protected area include the [[Black Lemur CampAnkarana sportive lemur]] will indirectly help save the critically endangered (''Lepilemur ankaranensis''), Amber Mountain fork-marked lemur (''Phaner electromontis''), Sanford's brown lemur (''Eulemur sanfordi''), [[Perrier's sifakaCrowned lemur]](''Eulemur coronatus'' black lemur as well as other species) and the Aye-aye (''Daubentonia madagascariensis'').
Approximately two-thirds of the remaining and critically Perrier's sifaka (Propithecus perrieri) live in the forests close A visit to the tree nursery. Other endangered lemur species in the Andrafiamena protected area that the tree nursery aims to protect, include the combined with a stay at [[Ankarana sportive lemurBlack Lemur Camp]] (Lepiluemur ankaranenis), Amber Mountain fork-marked lemur (Phaner electromontis), Sanfordwill indirectly help save the critically endangered ''s brown lemur (Eulemur sanfordi), [[Crowned lemurPerrier's sifaka]] (Eulemur coronatus) '' black lemur and the Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis)other species.
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-12.913059" lon="49.31949" zoom="18" controls="large" div style="width:100%;max-width:600px;">{{#display_map:-12.913059, 49.31949~[[ImageFile:Anjahankely_Tree_Nursery_018.jpg|left|150px|link=|link=]]<br>'''Anjahankely Tree Nursery centre'''~~;|type=satellite|service=google|width=auto|height=400|zoom=18|controls=pan, zoom, type, scale|copycoords=yes}}<br/div'''GPS coordinates:''' 12°54'47.0"S 49°19'10.2"E</googlemap>
The tree nursery employs five full-time staff but during planting periods the whole community from surrounding villages participate in the reforestation activities. The Anjahanakely Tree Nursery project makes a perfectly good example of how conservation can best be done by actively engaging a local population.