
Sambava to Farihy Ampasimbato by bike

19 bytes added, 09:02, 26 November 2020
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'''[[Sambava ]] to [[Farihy Ampasimbato ]] and return is an approximately 50km bike ride through nature, villages, across rivers and along vanilla and coconut plantations.'''
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'''== Tour data'''<br>==Distance from [[Mimi_Hotel|Mimi Resto]] to Farihy Ampasimbato and return: 49km49 kilometres<br>Minimum Elevationelevation: 11 metres<br>Maximum Elevationelevation: 20 metres<br>
Total climb: 37 metres<br>
Total descent: 22 metres
This bike trip can be booked with [[Madabike]] with or without an accompanying guide via the tourist office at [[Mimi_Hotel|Hotel Resto Mimi]].
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