

634 bytes added, 12:03, 21 November 2020
Example map with a line
== Example map with a line and marker ==
-13.1918264553,49.0500772744~[[Noor Hotel Fitiavana]]~~;-12.8073644824,48.9577304944~Bobasakoa~~;
| lines=
-12.8073644824,48.9577304944~Line text~I am a text~green~0.42~10;
| service=leaflet
| width=600
| height=500
| center=-12.9640116915,48.9870830812
| zoom=10
== lines ==
| lines=
The default colour/thickness of line are red/1px.
The thickness, colour and opacity of the line can be redefined by the syntax:
| lines=
-12.8073644824,48.9577304944~Popup title~text when clicking line~green~0.42~10
Note: Thickness, color and opacity will only take effect when preceded by a popup title and text. The syntax is:<br>
<tt>~Popup title~Popup text~Popup text~Line opacity~Line thickness</tt>
However, the popup when clicking the line only works with google maps (not leaflet).
== service ==