Created page with '* Patric Chocolate - a US-based micro, bean-to-bar, chocolate maker. * Amano Artisan Chocolate - a US-based bean-to-bar chocolate factory making a 70% Mal…'
* [[Patric Chocolate]] - a US-based micro, bean-to-bar, chocolate maker.
* [[Amano Chocolate|Amano Artisan Chocolate]] - a US-based bean-to-bar chocolate factory making a 70% Malagasy cocoa bar.
* [[Amedei]] - an Italian-based chocolate maker producing a bar with 70% cocoa content.
* [[Coppeneur Chocolate]] - a German chocolate maker which has a small cocoa plantation on [[Nosy Be|Nosy Be Island]].
* [[Domori Chocolate|Sambirano Madagascar]] - a 70% cocoa bar by the Italian chocolate maker Domori.
* [[Eilles Madagaskar]] - a 37% cocoa milk chocolate by German chocolate maker ''Eilles''.
* [[Madécasse]] - a chocolate produced in Madagascar by Cinagra and exported to the US and Canada.
* [http://www.lindt.com/au/noswf/eng/products/excellence/excellence-madagascar Madagascar Noir] - a 65% cocoa based chocolate with a light vanilla flavour, part Lindt's Excellence range.
* [http://www.ilovao.com VAO VAO] - a chocolate produced in Madagascar by Chocolaterie Robert and exported to the US.
* [http://www.roguechocolatier.com/products-page Sambirano] - a 70% cocoa Madagascar bar from ''Rougue Chocolatier'' in the US.
* [[J.D. Gross Madagaskar| Madagaskar]] - a 46% cocoa chocolate by J.D. Gross, sold in the German supermarket chain ''Lidl''.
* [[Madanga]] - a 39% cocoa bar made by German chocolate maker ''Rausch Schokolade''.
* [http://www.pierreherme.com/e-gourmandises/product.cgi?pid=31&cwsid=9729phAC194316ph3157521&gclid=CIHRyv761aYCFQY03wodRhkpHg Pierre Hermé Paris] - a 75% Madagascar cocoa chocolate sold in France.
* [[Mangaro]] by Michel Cluizel is a 65% cocoa bar made in France with cocoa from the Mangaro plantation in the [[Sambirano|Sambirano Valley]].
* [http://www.chocolatereviews.co.uk/madagascar-75-single-origin-dark-chocolate/ Pralus] - a 75% cocoa Madagascar bar sold in France.
* [http://www.chocolate-bars.co.uk/lightly-salted-pistachio-milk-chocolate-block Thorntons] - a 32% cocoa Madagascar bar.
* [[Åkesson's]] - a dark bar made with cacao grown on the Ambolikapiky Plantation in [[Sambirano]].
* [[Amano Chocolate|Amano Artisan Chocolate]] - a US-based bean-to-bar chocolate factory making a 70% Malagasy cocoa bar.
* [[Amedei]] - an Italian-based chocolate maker producing a bar with 70% cocoa content.
* [[Coppeneur Chocolate]] - a German chocolate maker which has a small cocoa plantation on [[Nosy Be|Nosy Be Island]].
* [[Domori Chocolate|Sambirano Madagascar]] - a 70% cocoa bar by the Italian chocolate maker Domori.
* [[Eilles Madagaskar]] - a 37% cocoa milk chocolate by German chocolate maker ''Eilles''.
* [[Madécasse]] - a chocolate produced in Madagascar by Cinagra and exported to the US and Canada.
* [http://www.lindt.com/au/noswf/eng/products/excellence/excellence-madagascar Madagascar Noir] - a 65% cocoa based chocolate with a light vanilla flavour, part Lindt's Excellence range.
* [http://www.ilovao.com VAO VAO] - a chocolate produced in Madagascar by Chocolaterie Robert and exported to the US.
* [http://www.roguechocolatier.com/products-page Sambirano] - a 70% cocoa Madagascar bar from ''Rougue Chocolatier'' in the US.
* [[J.D. Gross Madagaskar| Madagaskar]] - a 46% cocoa chocolate by J.D. Gross, sold in the German supermarket chain ''Lidl''.
* [[Madanga]] - a 39% cocoa bar made by German chocolate maker ''Rausch Schokolade''.
* [http://www.pierreherme.com/e-gourmandises/product.cgi?pid=31&cwsid=9729phAC194316ph3157521&gclid=CIHRyv761aYCFQY03wodRhkpHg Pierre Hermé Paris] - a 75% Madagascar cocoa chocolate sold in France.
* [[Mangaro]] by Michel Cluizel is a 65% cocoa bar made in France with cocoa from the Mangaro plantation in the [[Sambirano|Sambirano Valley]].
* [http://www.chocolatereviews.co.uk/madagascar-75-single-origin-dark-chocolate/ Pralus] - a 75% cocoa Madagascar bar sold in France.
* [http://www.chocolate-bars.co.uk/lightly-salted-pistachio-milk-chocolate-block Thorntons] - a 32% cocoa Madagascar bar.
* [[Åkesson's]] - a dark bar made with cacao grown on the Ambolikapiky Plantation in [[Sambirano]].