
Trek to Marojejy summit

20 bytes removed, 14:13, 17 December 2023
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The first camp is Mantella, named after the Mantella frog which can be found in the area. A natural swimming pool with a small cascade offers visitors the opportunity to cool down and for a swim before reaching the first camp. The Mantella Camp is 486 metres above sea level.
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On the first day, visitors can decide to continue directly to the second camp, Marojejia, or stay overnight at Camp Mantella. The distance between the two camps is a bit over two kilometres along an easy trail that takes about an hour to complete depending on the number of stops to admire observe the wildlife along the way. Camp Marojejia, named after the palm spieces in the area, is at an elevation of 744 metres.
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The forest around the Marojejia camp area is where most wildlife can be found. With the help of guides and trackers, it's the also most likely to encounter groups of the Silky sifaka here and spot the rare Helmet vanga among other species.
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Even on an all-sunny day and for reasons a meteorologist may best explain, the peak is more often than not enveloped in a cloud but which occurs happens somewhat less frequently often in the early morning hours. Set off for the summit as early as 4.30am/5am to hopefully enjoy clear views and experience the sunrise from above the clouds.