

30 bytes added, 23 July
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<HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">WCSbIQl3VFw</HTML5video>
<HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">ZPpPfROW8Qo</HTML5video>!--<HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">vDYzsT3d06I</HTML5video>Jôro
<HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">ZyiKP1fabuM</HTML5video>Sambava beach
<HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">lEGmfXstb-w</HTML5video>
<HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">GS-huZA6294</HTML5video>
A tromba is usually in a specific place dedicated for the purpose. Anyone can attend. The main participants are musicians whose rhythms of drums and accordions encourage the mediums to enter a trance. The audience may be one or more family lines or an entire tribe.
<HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">ZPpPfROW8Qo</HTML5video>
At first, the mediums wear clothes reminiscent of the deceased. Sitting on the ground, in the middle of the audience, they seem elsewhere. They concentrate. As the musical rhythm accelerates, they change their behavior. Then they convulse and thrash around like actors in a horror movie.