
Zebu cart

385 bytes added, 17 August
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'''It's early morning hours and the drivers of the ox-powered carts would have started in the dark. Just by sunrise at the crossing of the Sambirano bridge, there is rush hour and even a small traffic jam caused by carts slowly rolling across the narrow bridge on their way to the central marketplace to deliver their fresh seasonal crops from the countryside.''' <!--Short: Early morning hours at the Sambirano crossing brings about a rush hour with ox-powered carts delivering fresh crops from the countryside to the central marketplace.'''-->
<!-- Long: It's early morning at the Sambirano crossing. As the sun rises, there's a rush hour with a bit of traffic jam building up. Not caused by motor cars, but by ox-powered carts slowly rolling across the narrow bridge on their way to deliver fresh crops from the countryside to the central marketplace.-->
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