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'''Nosy Lonja (or Nosy Lonjo) is a small island in the Bay of Diego which is featured on numerous postcards and in travel literature, company logos, on postcards as well as on the backside of the country's 100 Ariary banknotes. Nosy LonjaThe island, which is also know as Sugarloaf Island, is a has become an important landmark both for the town and Bay of Diego Suarez. The island is depicted on the backside of 100 Ariary banknotes.'''
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''A sign along the road to Ramena reads:<br>''
Located in the French Bay, Nosy Lonjo also called "Sugar Loaf" towers at a height of 120m. For Diego Suarez and the locals it represents a strong symbolic image: a sacred place first and foremost, but also specific the charm and the halmark of the bay as it is used in many logos. Nosy Lonjo belongs to the commune of Ramena. The sacred stone however, or "Vato masiny", the site of the rituals of the traditional religious ceremonies is an integral part of Diego Suarez commune.
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