
Ankarana National Park

3,172 bytes added, 07:54, 31 January 2021
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'''The Ankarana National Park is located in the Diana region in the northern part of Madagascar. The park lies 108 kilometres south of Antsiranana ([[Diego Suarez]]) and about 20 kilometres north of [[Ambilobe]]. The four rural disctricts of Marivorahona, Anivorano, Ambondrona and Antsaravibe surround the park. From Antsiranana it takes between two and three hours by [[taxi-brousse]] to reach the main entrance on the east-side at Mahamasina along the [[RN6]]. Most of the people living in the region belong to the [[Antakarana]] ethnic group.'''
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Ankarana National Park was founded in 1956. The park has a total area of 18,225ha and an altitude of 206m. The predominant climate is dry tropical with an annual rainfall below 2,000mm. Most of the rain falls in January. The dry season lasts from April to November. March is the hottest month with a maximum temperature of 36.2°C and June is the coldest with a minimum temperature of 13.5°C.
* 11 species of lemurs
* 96 bird species<br><br>
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== Invertebrates ==
* ''Mesitornis variegatus'' - [[White-breasted mesite]]
* ''Tyto soumagnei'' - [[Madagascan Madagascar red owl]]* ''Ardea humbloti'' - [[Humblot's Madagascar heron]]* ''Ardeola ideaidae'' - [[Malagasy Madagascar pond -heron]]* ''Lophotibis cristata'' - [[Madagascan Madagascar crested ibis]]* ''Haliaetus vociferoïdesvociferoides''or ''Haliaeetus vocifer'' - [[Madagascar fish eagle]]* ''Aviceda madagascariensis'' - [[Madagascan Madagascar cuckoo-hawk]]* ''Accipiter madagascariensimadagascariensis''s- [[Madagascar sparrowhawk]]
* ''Caprimulgus enarratus'' - [[Collared nightjar]]<br><br>
* ''Eliurus sp'' nov - [[Tufted-tailed rat]] - endemic
The famous ''Propithecus diadema perrieri'', known as [[Black sifaka]] / [[Diademed sifaka]], was last seen by park rangers in 1995 and 1996. Meanwhile, the presence of ''Microcebus myoxinus'' ([[Peters's mouse lemur]]) still needs to be to reconfirmed.
Endemic carnivores living in Ankarana are:
<td>During the dry season at any time of the day.</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>''Lophotibus Lophotibis cristata''</td><td>Madagascar Crested Ibiscrested ibis</td>
<td>Bird with a bent stature, red and white feathers and short tail.</td>
<td>Along the trail to the Green Lake and in the canyon forest.</td>
<td>Blind fish, white and transparent.</td>
<td>In the underground rivers in the caves.</td>
<td>During the day.</td></tr></table><br> {| class="imageTable"|-|colspan="3" | [[File:Ankarana_National_Park_044.jpg|600px]]|-|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_046.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_063.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_066.jpg|196px]]|}<br>
== Flora ==
* ''Mezonovium''
* ''Ricinus communis''<br><br>
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The vegetation of Ankarana is distinguished in:
* '''bamboo forests'''
* '''wetland vegetation''' which can be found near or around lakes or seasonal perennial.<br><br>
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== The best flora most visible to tourists ==
There are 50 guides working at the park, all with excellent knowledge about the park, its biodiversity and ecosystems, ethical guidance, culture of the Antakarana people as well as first aid.
The admission fee for visiting the park depends on how many days will be spent in the park. Foreign for foreign tourists pay 25is 65,000 Ariary for 1 per day, 37children pay 25,000 Ariary for 2 days, 40,000 Ariary for 3 days and 50,000 Ariary for 4 to 10 days per day (prices 20102015). Half of the entrance fees goes to [[Madagascar National Parks]] and half to local communities. Guides are obligatory. The fee for a guide depends on the chosen tour (circuit). {| class="imageTable"|-|colspan="3" | [[File:Ankarana_National_Park_007.jpg|600px]]|- |[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_002.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_004.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_008.jpg|196px]]|}<br> == Circuits (tours) in the eastern part of the park ==Eight circuits cross the eastern part of the Ankarana National Park. The starting point for all circuits is the main office at [[Mahamasina]]. It is possible to combine several circuits at one visit. === The Cave of the Bats ===Easy 2 to 3 hours trek, including a steep slope, to an underground cave with 8 species of bats from small to large size. It is possible to see some lemurs such as the Crowned lemur, Sanford's lemur and Northern sportive lemur. If lucky, one can see a Ring-tailed mongoose and even a Fossa.<br>Guide: 25,000 Ariary, park warden: 20,000 Ariary, porter: 10,000 Ariary (prices 2010)
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=== Lost Rivers ===
Guide: 25,000 Ariary, park warden: 20,000 Ariary, porter: 10,000 Ariary (prices 2010)
=== The Turrets of the Tsingy ===
3 to 4 hours walk, suitable for combining one-way with other circuits. The trek is easy, but the crossing of a small river is required in the rainy season. The track leads through the tsingy in the shape of turrets. A walk through crevasses gives the possibility to learn more about the typical vegetation of the tsingy. A large baobab tree with over 8m in perimeter is an ideal location for a break. Throughout the track one can see the Northern sportive lemur, the rare bird Crested coua and reptiles such as skinks (in the rainy season) and the Leaf chameleon.<br>
Guide: 25,000 Ariary, park warden: 20,000 Ariary, porter: 10,000 Ariary (prices 2010)
=== Tsingy Rary ===
3 to 4 hours walk, suitable for combining one-way with other circuits. The trek is easy, but the crossing of a small river is required in the rainy season. This circuit shows the picturesque landscape of the tsingy, the duality between limestone and volcanic rocks and the particular vegetation that grows there. Crowned lemur, Sanford's lemur, Northern sportive lemur, Madagascan Madagascar crested ibis, White-breasted mesite and skinks (in the rainy season) can be seen. <br>Guide: 25,000 Ariary, park warden: 20,000 Ariary, porter: 10,000 Ariary (prices 2010)  {| class="imageTable"|-|colspan="3" | [[File:Ankarana_National_Park_054.jpg|600px]]|-|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_041.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_050.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_053.jpg|196px]]|}<br>
=== The Big Tsingy of Benavony ===
8 to 9 hours trek, moderately difficult because of the length of the trail. This part of Ankarana is only accessible during the dry season from June to December. The track comprises the extent of the tsingy. The Amposatelo stream is ideal for a cool-down and swim. Trekkers can observe Crowned lemur, Sanford's lemur, Northern sportive lemur, Ring-tailed mongoose, fossa, birds such as a White-breasted mesite, Madagascar crested ibis and flycatcher.<br>
Guide: 40,000 Ariary, park warden: 30,000 Ariary, porter: 15,000 Ariary (prices 2010)<br><br>
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== Circuits (tours) in the western part of the park ==
=== Milaintety Cave and Potamochère Cave ===
A 3 to 4 hours trek, sometimes moderately difficult. The track leads to a cave with impressive dripstone formations. At the exit of the cave is a natural water basin with islets of ferns, which are absolutely worth seeing. The cave is home to three small bat species, such as the Malagasy mouse-eared bat (''Myotis goudoti''), Glen's long-fingered bat (''Miniopterus gleni'') and the Manavi long-fingered bat ([[''Miniopterus manavi]]''). More fearful residents of the cave are the Nile crocodiles. At the entrance of the cave Moraceaes (''Ficus'') grow whilst at the exit reeds and ferns grow. Whilst trekking one may see snakes, Crowned lemurs and Guinea fowls.<br>
Guide: 35,000 Ariary, park warden: 25,000 Ariary, porter: 10,000 Ariary (prices 2010)
A 4 to 5 hours moderately difficult trek to a cave with dripstone formations and an underground river. The perennial lake is home to water birds, such as Humblot's heron and Madagascan pond heron. The endemic blind fish (''Glossogobius ankaranensis'') and Nile crocodile are the highlights of this walk. At the entrance of the cave grows marsh vegetation (reed) and a forest of Moraceae (''Ficus'').<br>
Guide: 35,000 Ariary, park warden: 25,000 Ariary, porter: 10,000 Ariary (prices 2010) <br><br>
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== Fady - What not to do in the park ==
'''Campement d’Anilotra:''' Located on basaltic soil in the forest (West Ankarana). 5 tents for 10 people, 3,000 Ariary per person/night.<br><br>
{| class="imageTable"|-|colspan="3" | [[File:Ankarana_National_Park_032.jpg|600px]]|-|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_069.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_072.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Ankarana_National_Park_073.jpg|196px]]|}<br> == Accommodation around outside the park ==
Around the park there are several accommodation possibilities, reaching from basic bungalows to comfortable hotel rooms.
'''[[Chez Goulam]]''' (12 bungalows)<br>
Tel: +261 (0)32 5268282 (mobile) or +261 (0)32 0269106 (mobile)<br>
Email: []<br><br>
'''[[Chez Aurelien]]''' (18 bungalows and camping)<br>
Tel: +261 (0)32 0278600 (mobile) or +261 (0)32 4063014 (mobile)<br>
Email: []<br><br>
'''Tsingy Relais''' or '''[[Chez Robert]]''' (17 rooms)<br>
Tel: +261 (0)20 8206565<br><br>
'''[[Ankarana Lodge]]''' (5 bungalows, guest house with several rooms, 5 pavilions with tents)<br>
Tel: +261 (0)32 0490810 (mobile)<br>
Email: []<br>
'''[[Relais de l'Ankarana]]''' (6 bungalows)<br>
Tel: +261 (0)32 0222294 (mobile)<br>
Email: []<br>
<googlemap versiondiv style="0.9" lat=max-width:600px;">{{#display_map:-12.913552" lon="922901, 49.1185" 086936~'''Ankarana National Park'''~~;|type=map|service=google|width=auto|height=400|zoom="11" 10|controls="large">pan, zoom, type, scale|copycoords=yes-12|icon=https://www.madacamp.922901, 49com/images/madagascar/Green_marker.086936pngLac Vert - Green Lake}}</googlemap><brdiv>
== Additional information ==* View all [[Ankarana National Park photos]]* [ Madagascar National Parks] - Plentiful information about the National Parks in Madagascar in English, French, German and Italian- ''Note May 2016: The Madagascar National Parks website is updated and content is available only in French.''