
Lake Ravelobe

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'''Lake Ravelobe, also known as Lac Ravelobe, is a sacred lake located in the [[Ankarafantsika National Park]], north 115 kilometres south of [[MajungaMahajanga]] in the west of Madagascar.'''
The lake is a true paradise for birders, as there are fantastic bird watching opportunities. Amongst the birds which can be observed are:{| class="imageTable"* ''Haliaeetus vociferoides'' |- |colspan="3" | [[Madagascar fish eagleFile:Ankarafantsika_National_Park_037.jpg|600px]]* ''Plegadis falcinellus'' |- |[[Glossy ibisFile:Ankarafantsika_National_Park_027.jpg|196px]]* ''Ardea humbloti'' - |align="center"|[[Humblot's heronFile:Ankarafantsika_National_Park_031.jpg|196px]]* |align="right"|[[African darterFile:Ankarafantsika_National_Park_029.jpg|196px]]* ''Ardea purpurea'' |- |[[Purple HeronFile:Ankarafantsika_National_Park_032.jpg|196px]]* |align="center"|[[Actophilornis albinucha]] - [[Madagascan jacanaFile:Ankarafantsika_National_Park_033.jpg|196px]]* ''Terpsiphone mutata'' - |align="right"|[[Madagascar paradise-flycatcherFile:African_darter_001.jpg|196px]]* ''Dendrocygna viduata'' - [[White-faced whistling duck]]|}
There The lake is a true paradise for birdwatchers, as there are fantastic bird watching opportunities. Amongst the birds which can be seen are also Nile crocodiles living in the lake[[Madagascar fish eagle]], [[Glossy ibis]], [[Humblot's heron]], [[African darter]], [[Purple Heron]], [[Madagascan jacana]], [[Madagascar paradise-flycatcher]] and [[White-faced whistling duck]].
== Legends about Lake Ravelobe ==Ravelobe was a Malagasy patriot who participated in World War IIThe lake is sacred to the [[Sakalava]] people. Back home, he asked Visitors have the French colonists chance to administrate the cantonment of Ambatoboenyvisit a ''doany'', but his request was denied. He then formed a group of rebells in place where the Sakalava perform their sacred ''garafantsyjoro'' ("hill of thorns")ritual. From there onThe joro takes place once a year, Ravelobe usually in July. During the ritual the Sakalava bless the ancestors and his followers robbed travellers and bypassersthereafter admire the sacred lake.<br><br>
=== Legends about Lake Ravelobe === Ravelobe was a Malagasy patriot who participated in World War II. Back home, he asked the French colonists to administrate the cantonment of Ambatoboeny, but his request was denied. He then formed a group of rebels in the ''garafantsy'' ("hill of thorns" - Ankarafantsika area). From thereon, Ravelobe and his followers robbed travellers and bypassers in the area. [[File:Ankarafantsika_National_Park_036.jpg|600px]] The crocodiles ([[Nile crocodile|Nile crocodiles]]) of Lake Ravelobe are considered sacred. Every year zebus are sacrificed to these the crocodiles, which have a specific special name: ''mampisento'' - "that is sighing". The story of the mampisento crocodiles dates back to the days of [[King Andriamisondrotramasinarivo]] of the [[Marambitsy]] lineage (Sakalava ethnic group, originating from Mitsinjo), who out of pride, not wanting the annexation of the [[Merina]] to his territory during the reign of [[Radama I]] (1810-1828), threw his family and himself into the lake. A gatekeeper of the king declined to follow his master into suicide. Shortly after he died, a crocodile appeared at the shore of the lake and spoke strangely in the voice of the gatekeeper and its sigh was for all those who saw it.<br><br>
Until today the lake is sacred and pork is not allowed in the area, as the Marambitsy were Muslims.<br><br>
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-16.305477, 46.81489~'''Lake Ravelobe (Lac Ravelobe)'''~~;
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