
Kati Notes

6 bytes added, 11:45, 15 April 2012
* peasentry - Kleinbauern, Landvolk - small farmers
* []: The ADAPs (Association for the Development of Agriculture and the peasantry Sambirano) was founded in 2000 on the initiative of a dozen farmers in the region of Sambirano, on the north coast west of Madagascar. It currently has nearly 1,000 members.
Despite the rich agricultural potential of the region, producers were faced with many difficulties: lack of technical supervision, lack of market information, unavailability of inputs, lack of access to credit, aging plantations, etc.. They are mobilized to set up a farmers' association with the following objectives: to protect their interests in marketing their products, improve their incomes and living conditions.
Under the partnership with AFDI Picardy, ADAPs operates mainly in three sectors: cocoa, vanilla and gardening.