JCR-Vaniala supplements

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Revision as of 16:40, 18 October 2021 by CampMaster (talk | contribs) (Garlic)


Immuno herbals



Exceptional food and protein intake. Improves physical and mental resistance. Strength and vitality. Powerful anti-oxidants, rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper). Protects against cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Strengthens the body's natural defenses and immune system.

Periwinkle (Pervenche)


Strengthens the immune system, anticancer and cardiovascular protector. Reduces sugar levels (diabetes), improves cerebral circulation and blood flow. Memory and concentration

Morinda (Noni)


Natural anti-inflammatory (arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, chronic pain), antibacterial and antiviral, hypertension, diabetes, alzheimer's, migraines, allergies, obesity, fibromyalgia, stress, nervousness, pre-cancerous state. Rich in vitamins, trace elements and anti-oxidants.

Moringa (Ananambo)


Exceptional nutritional contribution (proteins, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, copper, vit A, B, C and D. Indispensable for the proper balance of the body) Inflammations of all types (digestive system, esophagus, ulcers, colitis, gums). Irritable colonists, slimming aid. Solves anemia and nutrient deficiencies especially for infants, pregnant women and breastfeeding women. In prevention against cardiovascular diseases (bad cholesterol and diabetes)

Cola / Ginger


Physical and mental fatigue. Intellectual fortifier, memory problems, against premature aging and Alzheimer's. Stimulating, exciting, euphoric, aprodisiac.

Fenugreek / cinnamon


Diabetic state. Stabilizes and regulates the sugar level. Prevents complications from diabetes. Has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.



Powerful natural anti-inflammatory, all pain (shoulders, joints, postoperative). Liver attacks, ulcers, spasms, asthma, memory problems Prevention of certain forms of cancer (colon, stomach, breasts, prostate, leukemia)


Soursop (also called graviola, guyabano, and in Hispanic America, guanábana).


Strengthens the immune system. Prostatic hypertrophy, soothing, relaxing, promotes sleep, anti tumor.



Artemisia capsules:Anti-viral and anti-infective for preventive and prophylactic purposes. Fever, cough and flu-like conditions. Adjuvant therapy for hypertension and diabetes. For the prevention of arteriosclerosis and heart disease. Strengthens the natural defenses and the immune system.

Argile verte / Green clay


Protects digestive mucous membranes, stomach aches, reflux, bloating and gas, diarrhea, poisoning, stomach spasms and acidity. Purifies toxins.

Aloe totum


Anti-oxidants, natural anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, healing, regenerates tissues and organs, strengthens the immune system and natural defenses. Invigorates energy and strength



En prévention de l’hypertension, de l’artérioscléroseet des maladies cardiovasculaires. Abaisse le taux du mauvais cholestérol et fluidifie le sang. Lutte contre le mal de gorge,les verrues et le psoriasis.