Nosy Lava (Analalava)

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Revision as of 07:16, 15 April 2010 by (talk)

Nosy Lava, also known as Long Island, lies about 15km off the coast of Ananalava. The island is a former maximum security prison. It has been said that some of the former inmates still live on the island where they have access to modern conveniences such as electricity, which is not available everywhere on the mainland. A lighthouse built in 1910 is stands on the highest point of the island with views of Nosy Saba to the north, Analalava to the east and the tip of Maromony to the south. Some tombs of Sakalava kings can be found on the Nosy Lava.

Prior authorisation is required to visit the island and transport is available via Morombé.

Note: Another island also named Nosy Lava is located north of Nosy Be and is part of the Mitsio Archipelago.
