Mananara Nord National Park
The Mananara Nord Biosphere Reserve is part of the global network of Biosphere Reserves. Launched in 1971, UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) encourages interdisciplinary research, training and demonstration on resource management. It helps to improve the understanding of biophysical, socio-economic and cultural factors that affect the environment, and to increase the participation of scientists in decisions about more efficient use of resources.
The Mananara Nord National Park is located in the Mananara Nord district of the Analanjirofo region, 280km north of Toamasina (Tamatave). The park is bounded by the Mananara river to the north, the Sandrakatsy river and Fotsialanana river to the west, the Anove river to the south and the Indian Ocean to the east.
The entire Mananara Nord National Park consists of 23,000ha terrestrial park and 1,000ha marine park. The altitude reaches from 0m to 569m. The park is subject to a humid tropical climate. The average temperature is 25.2°C and the humidity is constantly high. It rains most of the year and can reach up to 2,900mm per year. There is a warm and rainy season from September to March and a cooler season from April to September. Mananara is often a passage area for tropical cyclones.
The Precambrian basement of Mananara, dating back 2,750 million years, belongs to the Antongilian system. Following geological metamorphisms that led to this substrate of rocks composed of amphibolites, micaschists, greenschist and schist, granitic intrusions of about 770 million years ago appeared which, together with Neocene alteration and erosion, are responsible for the orthogonal shape of the region's relief with narrowly linear valleys, rock walls, cascades and waterfalls, falling rocky shores and the hydrographic network following the lines of the landscape and valleys. This explains the difficulty of access to monitor the park, the history of linear fragmentation of the forest and the human occupation along the lines of valleys. The density of vegetation and the ability of forest regeneration worsen the problems as they favour the camouflage of offenders.
Due to the presence of the South Equatorial Current coming from South Asia that runs along the east coast to become Madagascar's southward current, this current brings warm surface waters in all seasons and conditions the water temperature to never drop below 18°-20°C. In order to develop, coral reefs require warm, clear water (above 18°C) on a shallow bottom with 30 to 35% salinity, which is the case for the Mananara Nord Marine Park. At the highest sea (during high tide minus the half maximum height of a wave) the water is between 25m and 35m deep. The Malagasy east coast is swept throughout the year by the Alizé (trade wind). The average wind speed is 20m/s.
The Mananara Nord National Park consists of a land and marine park that are both rich in biodiversity as well as natural and original beauty. The marine park is the first created in Madagascar. The site is commonly called Nosy Antafana. It is a set of three islets located 2.5km off Sahasoa. The largest is Nosy Be or Nosy Antafana, where a freshwater source is located. The second is Nosy Rangontsy, named after the man whose remains were the first to be deposited there. On this islet are a mangrove swamp, an expanse of brackish water with fish and in the east huge masses of granite. The last island and the smallest is Nosy Hely. It is a real marine ecosystem with various representative ecological niches. Coral reefs are among the most beautiful and rich in biodiversity of the east coast of Madagascar. The land park represents the eastern eco-region with littoral forests and forest islands.
[hide]- 1 Objectives of the site
- 2 Conservation targets
- 3 The site and local population
- 4 Fauna
- 5 Flora
- 6 How to get there
- 7 Guides and entrance fees
- 8 Circuits (Tours)
- 9 Tourist attractions in the area (outside the protected area)
- 10 Habits and customs in the region
- 11 Cultural highlights in the region
- 12 Specialties of the region
- 13 Population
- 14 Accommodation in the park
- 15 Mananara Nord National Park
Objectives of the site
The Mananara Nord National Park was established on 25th July 1989 by Presidential Decree No. 89/216. It is the first as a Biosphere Reserve in Madagascar. The objective of the site is the conservation of biodiversity in the national park (both marine and terrestrial), it must maintain the quality and quantity of biodiversity in the protected area.
The national park is also a water reservoir for the region with thirty sources, the most important are: Ambatomilogno, Fotsialanana, Hoalampano, Ivontaka, Mahavo, Manambato Manandriana, Mandemoko, Menatany, Sahantsidy, Saharamy, Sahasatrana, Sahasoa, Sahofiky, Tsihoronina, Vahibe, Vongohely, ...
The Mananara Nord Biosphere Reserve is home to a rich flora and fauna. These species require specific conservation actions as they are subject to pressures. They are key elements in the protected area and are referred to as conservation targets.
Conservation targets
The conservation targets of Mananara Nord National Park are:
* Dense humid forest of low altitude: It comprises almost all of the Mananara Nord Biosphere Reserve. Compared to the very small variation of altitude, the richness in micro-mammal is exceptional.
* Forest island Nosy Antafana: For years the island is exposed to an ongoing attack by a colony of Rattus rattus (Black rat) invading it.
* Coral reefs: The Mananara reefs are among the most beautiful with a great wealth of biodiversity.
* The species
- Dypsis antanambensis - endemic palm tree, critically endangered (grows only in the park, 49 mature individuals in total)
- Voanioala gerardii - a rare plant worldwide, critically endangered
- Allocebus trichotis - Hairy-eared dwarf lemur, never existed in large numbers. It is found in the vicinity of the Mananara River which is its exclusive habitat.
The site and local population
The Mananara Nord National Park is subject to pressures for the
* terrestrial part:
- Land clearings, destroying the forest by burning
- Human occupations, as the population increases, inward penetration is inevitable.
- Illegal logging of precious woods and by-products.
- Poaching, lemurs, small mammals and birds are most attacked.
* marine part:
- Octopus fishing with harpoons
- Use of small mesh nets
- The abundance of rats on Nosy Antafana
The best fauna most visible to tourists
Scientific name | English name | Malagasy name | Description | Where to find | When to find |
Indri indri | Indri | Babakoto | Completely dark fur | Verezanantsoro Circuit | All year round |
Varecia variegata | Black-and-white ruffed lemur | Varikandana | Easy to observe | Verezanantsoro Circuit | All year round |
Eulemur albifrons | White-fronted brown lemur | Varikosibe | Easy to observe | Verezanantsoro Circuit, Ivontaka Sud Circuit, Varary Circuit | During the day |
Brookesia superciliaris | Brown leaf chameleon | Ranovary | Tiny chameleon | Verezanantsoro Circuit, Ivontaka Sud Circuit, Varary Circuit | October to November |
Euryceros prevostii | Helmet vanga | Siketribe | Indicator of an undisturbed forest | Verezanantsoro Circuit | All year round |
Pteropus rufus | Madagascan flying fox | Fanihy | Nosy Antafana Circuit | All year round | |
Amphiprion latifasciatus | Madagascar anemonefish | Indicator of an intact habitat | Nosy Antafana aquatic Circuit | All year round |
Inventories have identified:
On the terrestrial fauna,
- 77 species of birds
- 136 species of herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians of a particular region) identified throughout a survey in 2001
- 13 species of lemurs in the forest of the reserve
- 17 rodent species known in the low to medium altitude moist forest (0 - 1,200m) in northeastern Madagascar
- 7 species of freshwater fish in the surrounding of the park
- Regarding arthropods, Mananara Nord National Park forms with Zahamena National Park and Masoala National Park what is called the endemic centre of Madagascar
- The Mananara Nord National Park is one of the protected areas that has the highest number of micro-mammal species in the eastern ecoregion given its reduced altitude range and size, which barely covers one-tenth of the Masoala surface. Indeed, there are 16 species against 17, for which Masoala is the richest.
On the marine fauna,
- 132 species of cnidaria
- 64 species of molluscs
- 16 species of arthropods
- 34 species of echinoderms
- 179 species of fish
- 2 species of reptiles
- 2 species of mammals
An inventory identified 13 species of lemurs.
Scientific name | English name | Malagasy name | Endemicity | Description | Biology and behavior |
Indri indri | Indri | Babakoto | Endemic to Madagascar | Black fur, the largest of the lemurs | Arboreal (lives on trees), folivore (feeds on leafs), group of 2 to 3 |
Propithecus diadema | Diademed sifaka | Sifaka | Endemic to Madagascar | White fur, red thigh, fairly large | Diurnal, lives in a group |
Avahi laniger | Eastern woolly lemur | Ampongy | Endemic to Madagascar | Grey fur, average size | Twilight active, lives in a group |
Daubentonia madagascariensis | Aye-aye | Haihay | Endemic to Madagascar | Black fur, average size | Nocturnal, insectivore (feeds on insects), solitary |
Varecia variegata | Black-and-white ruffed lemur | Varikandana | Endemic to Madagascar | Black and white fur, fairly large | Diurnal, lives in a group of more than 4 |
Eulemur albifrons | White-fronted brown lemur | Varikosibe | Endemic to Madagascar | Grey fur, average size | Diurnal, lives in group of more than 6 |
Eulemur fulvus | Brown lemur | Varikosy | Endemic to Madagascar | Grey coat, black muzzle, average size | Diurnal or twilight active, lives in group of up to 12 |
Eulemur rubriventer | Red-bellied lemur | Alomena | Endemic to Madagascar | Red fur, average size | Diurnal, lives in group of up to 4 |
Hapalemur griseus | Eastern grey bamboo lemur | Bokombolo | Endemic to Madagascar | Grey fur, relatively small size | Diurnal or twilight active, folivore (feeds on leafs), lives in group of several individuals |
Lepilemur mustelinus | Weasel sportive lemur | Fitsidiky | Endemic to Madagascar | Grey fur, medium size | Nocturnal |
Cheirogaleus major | Greater dwarf lemur | Tsitsihy | Endemic to Madagascar | Grey fur, relatively small size | Nocturnal, hibernates during winter |
Allocebus trichotis | Hairy-eared dwarf lemur | Tsidiala | Endemic to Madagascar | Dark grey fur, small size | |
Microcebus rufus | Brown mouse lemur | Tsidy | Endemic to Madagascar | Grey coat, smallest lemur | Nocturnal, more insectivore (feeds on insects) than frugivore (feeds on fruits) |
There are 77 species of birds in the park.
Scientific name | English name | Malagasy name | Endemicity |
Accipiter francesiae | Frances's sparrowhawk | Firasa / Fihiaky | |
Accipiter madagascariensis | Madagascar sparrowhawk | Firasa | Endemic to Madagascar |
Acridotheres tristis | Common myna | ||
Agapornis canus | Grey-headed lovebird | Karaoko | Endemic to Madagascar |
Alectroenas madagascariensis | Madagascar blue pigeon | Finengo maitso | Endemic to Madagascar |
Asio madagascariensis | Madagascar long-eared owl | Hankagna | Endemic to Madagascar |
Brachypteracias leptosomus | Short-legged ground-roller | Fangadiovy | Endemic to Madagascar |
Brachypteracias squamiger now Geobiastes squamiger |
Scaly ground-roller | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Buteo brachypterus | Madagascar buzzard | Hindry / Beririnina | Endemic to Madagascar |
Calicalicus madagascariensis | Red-tailed vanga | Vanga mena / Totokarasoroka | Endemic to Madagascar |
Canirallus kioloides or Mentocrex kioloides | Madagascar wood-rail | Tasikoza vohitra | Endemic to Madagascar |
Caprimulgus madagascariensis | Madagascar nightjar | Tataro | |
Centropus toulou | Madagascar coucal | Toloho | |
Cisticola cherina | Madagascar cisticola | Tity / Tsintsina | |
Copsychus albospecularis | Madagascar magpie-robin | Todiagna | Endemic to Madagascar |
Coracina cinerea now Ceblepyris cinereus |
Madagascar cuckoo-shrike | Vorondavenoky / Vorondavenona | Endemic to Madagascar |
Coracopsis nigra | Black parrot | Boeza fihitra | Endemic to Madagascar |
Coracopsis vasa | Greater vasa parrot | Boeza be | Endemic to Madagascar |
Corythornis vintsioides | Madagascar kingfisher | Vintsy | |
Coua caerulea | Blue coua | Mariha | Endemic to Madagascar |
Coua cristata | Crested coua | Ambosanga | Endemic to Madagascar |
Coua reynaudii | Red-fronted coua | Koa | Endemic to Madagascar |
Coua serriana | Red-breasted coua | Koa | Endemic to Madagascar |
Cuculus rochii | Madagascar cuckoo | Taotaonkafa | |
Cyanolanus madagascarinus | |||
Cypsiurus parvus | African palm swift | Firihitsandro / Tsiditsidina | |
Dryolimnas cuvieri | Dryolimnas cuvieri | Tsikoza | |
Dicrurus forficatus | Crested drongo | Ledronga | |
Euryceros prevostii | Helmet vanga | Siketribe | Endemic to Madagascar |
Eurystomus glaucurus | Broad-billed roller | Tsararahaky | |
Falco newtoni | Madagascar kestrel | Hitsikitsika | Endemic to Madagascar |
Foudia madagascariensis | Madagascar red fody | Fody / Fodimena | Endemic to Madagascar |
Foudia omissa | Forest fody | Fody / Fodiala | Endemic to Madagascar |
Hartlaubius auratus | Hartlaubius auratus | Vorontainomby | Endemic to Madagascar |
Hypositta corallirostris | Coral-billed nuthatch vanga | Sakodidy | Endemic to Madagascar |
Hypsipetes madagascariensis | Madagascar bulbul | Menasony | |
Ispidina madagascariensis now Corythornis madagascariensis |
Madagascar pygmy-kingfisher | Vintsiala | Endemic to Madagascar |
Leptopterus chabert | Chabert's vanga | Fotsy tretraka | Endemic to Madagascar |
Leptopterus viridis now Artamella viridis |
White-headed vanga | Vanga | Endemic to Madagascar |
Leptosomus discolor | Cuckoo-roller | Kirombo | |
Lonchura nana | Madagascar mannikin | Tsingirity | Endemic to Madagascar |
Lophotibis cristata | Madagascar crested ibis | Lampirana | Endemic to Madagascar |
Margaroperdix madagarensis | Madagascar partridge | Traotrao | Endemic to Madagascar |
Merops superciliosus | Olive bee-eater | Kirokirioky | |
Mesitornis unicolor | Brown mesite | Roa telo, voronantambo | Endemic to Madagascar |
Motacilla flaviventris | Madagascar wagtail | Triotrio | Endemic to Madagascar |
Mystacornis crossleyi | Crossley’s babbler | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Nectarinia notata | Long-billed green sunbird | Soy | Endemic to Madagascar |
Nectarinia souimanga or Cinnyris sovimanga | Souimanga sunbird | Soy | Endemic to Madagascar |
Neodrepanis coruscans | Sunbird asity | Soy ala | Endemic to Madagascar |
Neomixis striatigula | Stripe-throated jery | Jijy | Endemic to Madagascar |
Neomixis tenella | Common jery | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Neomixis viridis | Green jery | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Nesillas typica | Madagascar brush-warbler | ||
Newtonia amphichroa | Dark newtonia | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Newtonia brunneicauda | Common newtonia | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Newtonia fanovanae | Red-tailed newtonia | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Ninox superciliaris now Athene superciliaris |
White-browed hawk-owl | Vorondolo | Endemic to Madagascar |
Numida meleagris | Helmeted guineafowl | ||
Oriolia bernieri | Bernier's vanga | Taporo | Endemic to Madagascar |
Otus rutilus | Madagascar scops-owl | Torotoroka | Endemic to Madagascar |
Oxylabes madagascariensis | White-throated oxylabes | Sirontsirona | Endemic to Madagascar |
Philepitta castanea | Velvet asity | Asity | Endemic to Madagascar |
Phyllastrephus madagascariensis or Bernieria madagascariensis |
Long-billed bernieria | Tretreky | Endemic to Madagascar |
Phyllastrephus zosterops or Xanthomixis zosterops |
Short-billed greenbul | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Ploceus nelicourvi | Nelicourvi weaver | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Polyboroides radiatus | Madagascar harrier-hawk | Fihiaka | Endemic to Madagascar |
Randia pseudozosterops | Rand's warbler | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Sarothrura insularis | Madagascar flufftail | Mpangalatrovy | Endemic to Madagascar |
Schetba rufa | Rufous vanga | Voronantambo | Endemic to Madagascar |
Streptopelia picturata or Nesoenas picturatus |
Madagascar turtle-dove | Domohina | |
Terpsiphone mutata | Madagascar paradise-flycatcher | Soketry / Tsingitry | |
Treron australis | Madagascar green pigeon | Finengo mavo | Endemic to Madagascar |
Tylas eduardi | Tylas vanga | Kikimavo | Endemic to Madagascar |
Vanga curvirostris | Hook-billed vanga | Vanga soratra | Endemic to Madagascar |
Zoonavena grandidieri | Madagascar spinetail | Manaviandro | |
Zosterops maderaspatanus | Malagasy white-eye | Tsiparimaso |
There are 9 species of tenrecs in the park.
Scientific name | English name | Malagasy name | Endemicity |
Hemicentetes semispinosus | Lowland streaked tenrec | Antsora | Endemic to Madagascar |
Microgale brevicaudata | Short-tailed shrew tenrec | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Microgale dobsoni | Dobson's shrew tenrec | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Microgale parvula | Pygmy shrew tenrec | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Microgale principula | Greater long-tailed shrew tenrec | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Microgale talazaci | Talzac's shrew tenrec | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Oryzorictes hova | Mole-like rice tenrec | Antsangy | Endemic to Madagascar |
Setifer setosus | Greater hedgehog tenrec | Sokina | Endemic to Madagascar |
Tenrec ecaudatus | Tailess tenrec | Trandraka | Endemic to Madagascar |
There are 7 rodent species in the park.
Scientific name | English name | Malagasy name | Endemicity |
Suncus murinus | House shrew | ||
Eliurus grandidieri | Grandidier's tuft-tailed rat | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Eliurus minor | Lesser tufted-tailed rat | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Eliurus myoxinus | Western tuft-tailed rat | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Eliurus tanala | Tanala tuft-tailed rat | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Eliurus webbi | Webb's tuft-tailed rat | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Nesomys rufus | Eastern red forest rat | Endemic to Madagascar |
Herpetofauna - reptiles and amphibians
An overview of herpetofauna in the park:
Scientific name | English name | Malagasy name | Endemicity |
Frogs | |||
Heterixalus betsileo | Betsileo reed frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Heterixalus madagascariensis | Madagascar reed frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Heterixalus punctatus | Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Heterixalus tricolor | Three-color reed frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantella betsileo | Betsileo golden frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantella nigricans | Guibé's mantella | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantella pulchra | Parker's golden frog | Locally endemic | |
Mantidactylus aglavei now Spinomantis aglavei |
Anamalozoatra Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus albofrenatus | Eastern Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus ambreensis | Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Mantidactylus argenteus | Folohy Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus asper now Gephyromantis asper |
East Betsileo Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus betsileanus | Betsileo Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus bicalcaratus now Guibemantis bicalcaratus |
Sainte Marie Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus biporus | Two-pore Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus glomersae | |||
Mantidactylus boulengeri now Gephyromantis boulengeri |
Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Mantidactylus cormicus | |||
Mantidactylus femoralis | Fort Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus fimbriatus now Spinomantis fimbriatus |
Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Mantidactylus grandidieri | Grandidier's Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus grandisonae now Blommersia grandisonae |
Ambrana Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus granulatus now Gephyromantis granulatus |
Grainy Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus bicalcaratus now Guibemantis bicalcaratus |
Sainte Marie Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus clemerii | |||
Mantidactylus leucomaculatus now Gephyromantis leucomaculatus |
White-spotted Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus liber now Guibemantis liber |
Free Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus lugubris | Dumeril's Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus luteus now Gephyromantis luteus |
White Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus malagasius now Gephyromantis malagasius |
Malasay Grainy Frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus ocarbii | |||
Mantidactylus opiparis | Central Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus terakae | |||
Mantidactylus plucifer | Common Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus pseudoasper now Gephyromantis pseudoasper |
Massif Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus pulcher now Guibemantis pulcher |
Tsarafidy Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Mantidactylus redimitus now Gephyromantis redimitus |
Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Mantidactylus rivicola now Gephyromantis rivicola |
Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Mantidactylus tornieri now Guibemantis tornieri |
Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Mantidactylus wittei now Blommersia wittei |
Witte's Madagascar frog | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Geckos | |||
Blaesodactylus antongilensis | Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Edoneva inensus | |||
Geckolepis maculata | Fish-scale gecko | Fingoko | |
Geckolepis typica | Grandidier's Gecko | Fingoko | Endemic to Madagascar |
Hemidactylus frenatus | Common house gecko | ||
Hemidactylus mercatorius | |||
Lygodactylus guibei | Western dwarf gecko | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Lygodactylus miops | Günther's dwarf gecko | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Paroedura gracilis | Graceful Madagascar ground gecko | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Phelsuma dorsivittata | Antsasatra | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Phelsuma lineata bifasciata or Phelsuma lineata lineata |
Lined day gecko | Antsasatra | Endemic to Madagascar |
Phelsuma madagascariensis madagascariensis | Madagascar day gecko | Antsasatra | Endemic to Madagascar |
Phelsuma pusilla pusilla | Antsasatra | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Phelsuma serraticauda | Flat-tailed day gecko | Antsasatra | Endemic to Madagascar |
Uroplatus fimbriatus | Common flat-tail gecko | Antaifisaka | Endemic to Madagascar |
Uroplatus lineatus | Lined flat-tail gecko | Antaifisaka | Endemic to Madagascar |
Uroplatus sikorae | Mossy leaf-tailed gecko | Antaifisaka | Endemic to Madagascar |
Chameleons | |||
Brookesia griveaudi | Marojejy leaf chameleon | Ranovary | Endemic to Madagascar |
Brookesia peyrierasi | Peyrieras's pygmy chameleon | Ranovary | Endemic to Madagascar |
Brookesia superciliaris | Brown leaf chameleon | Ranovary | Endemic to Madagascar |
Calumma gastrotaenia | Short-nosed chameleon | Tandrondro | Endemic to Madagascar |
Calumma nasutum | Nose-horned chameleon | Tandrondro | Endemic to Madagascar |
Furcifer lateralis | Carpet chameleon | Taintotro | Endemic to Madagascar |
Furcifer oustaleti | Oustalet's chameleon | Taintotro | Endemic to Madagascar |
Furcifer pardalis | Panther chameleon | Taintotro | |
Skinks | |||
Amphiglossus anosyensis | Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Amphiglossus astrolabi | Diving Skink | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Amphiglossus frontoparietalis | Boulenger's Tree Skink | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Amphiglossus melanopleura now Madascincus melanopleura |
Common Madagascar Skink | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Amphiglossus ornaticeps | Gray Skink | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Trachylepis gravenhorstii | Gravenhorst's mabuya | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Lizards | |||
Zonosaurus gregoir | Androngo | ||
Zonosaurus madagascariensis | Madagascar girdled lizard | Androngo | |
Snakes | |||
Sanzinia madagascariensis | Madagascar tree boa | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Dromicodryas bernieri | Bernier's striped snake | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Geodipsas infralineata now Compsophis infralineatus |
Lined forest snake | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Ithycyphus perineti | Perinet's night-snake | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Leioheterodon madagascariensis | Malagasy giant hognose snake | Mantingoro | |
Liophidium rhodogaster | Gold-collared snake | Lapata | Endemic to Madagascar |
Liopholidophis lateralis now Thamnosophis lateralis |
Lateral water snake | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Liopholidophis thieli now Thamnosophis infrasignatus |
Forest water snake | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Madagascarophis colubrinus | Madagascar night snake | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Macropisthodon ochraceus | |||
Pseudoxyrhopus heterurus | Night brook snake | Mantsiviry | Endemic to Madagascar |
Pseudoxyrhopus microps | Brown brook snake | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Pelamis platurus now Hydrophis platurus |
Yellow-bellied sea snake | ||
Stenophis arctifasciatus now Phisalixella arctifasciata |
Endemic to Madagascar | ||
Typhlops decorsei | Mocquard's worm snake | Endemic to Madagascar | |
Turtles | |||
Caretta caretta | Loggerhead turtle | Fano | |
Eretmochelys imbricata | Hawksbill turtle | Fanosisiky |
Marine life - fish
An overview of the marine life in the park:
Scientific name | English name | Malagasy name | Endemicity |
Ablennes hians | Flat needlefish | Antseraka | |
Acanthurus xanthopterus | Yellowfin surgeonfish | Henalaza | |
Acanthurus triostegus | Convict surgeonfish | Rarinkigny | |
Albula glossodonta | Shortjaw bonefish | Fiamandry | |
Alepes djedaba | Shrimp scad | Boniky | |
Anampses caeruleopunctatus | Bluespotted wrasse | Kalama | |
Caesio sp. | |||
Carangoides armatus | Longfin trevally | Lagnaorana | |
Cephalopholis sonnerati | Tomato hind | (Bête rouge) | |
Chaetodon fasciatus | Diagonal butterflyfish | Tatangy | |
Chaetodon lunula | Halfmoon butterflyfish | Tatangy | |
Chaetodon trifasciatus | Lineated butterflyfish | Tatangy | |
Cheilinus fasciatus | Redbreasted wrasse | Bekoravina | |
Cheilinus trilobatus | Tripletail wrasse | Bekoravina | |
Cheilio inermis | Cigar wrasse | Laoko ahitra | |
Chirocentrus nudus | Whitefin wolf-herring | Laotsabatra | |
Coris aygula | Clown coris | Ramihamigny | |
Ctenochaetus striatus | Striped bristletooth | Henalaza | |
Dascyllus aruanus | Whitetail dascyllus | Tsigoagoaka | |
Drepane punctata | Spotted sicklefish | Takobatra | |
Echeneis naucrates | Whitefin sharksucker | Amby | |
Epinephelus posteli | Striped fin rockcod | Alovo | |
Epinephelus tauvina | Greasy grouper | Alovo | |
Gerres acinaces | Smallscale pursemouth | Fiampotsy | |
Gymnothorax permistus now Gymnothorax favagineus |
Laced moray | ||
Hemiramphus far | Black-barred halfbeak | Antserabandana | |
Kyphosus cinerascens | Blue sea chub | Torovoko | |
Leiognathus equulus | Common ponyfish | Salelo | |
Leptoscarus vaigiensis | Marbled parrotfish | Laoko ahitra | |
Lethrinus elongatus now Lethrinus microdon |
Smalltooth emperor | Ambitry lavaorona | |
Lethrinus harak | Thumbprint emperor | Mandrantongona | |
Lethrinus lentjan | Pinkear emperor | Menaheliky | |
Lethrinus mahsena | Sky emperor | Aleta | |
Lethrinus nebulosus | Spangled emperor | Ambitry | |
Lethrinus ramak now Lethrinus obsoletus |
Orange-striped emperor | Ambitry fotsy | |
Lethrinus rubrioperculatus | Spotcheek emperor | Menavalogno |
The best flora most visible to tourists:
Scientific name | English name | Malagasy name | Endemicity | Where to find | When to find |
Galeola humblotii | Lavanioala | Locally endemic | Ivontaka Sud Circuit | All year round | |
Dypsis antanambensis | Vontro rano | Locally endemic | PK 8 Circuit | All year round | |
Dypsis ramentacea | Sinkara | Locally endemic | PK 8 Circuit | All year round | |
Satranala decussilvae | Satranala | Locally endemic | PK 8 Circuit, Ivontaka Sud Circuit, Varary Circuit | All year round | |
Dypsis beentjei | Locally endemic | PK 8 Circuit | All year round | ||
Dypsis fanjana | Fanjana | Locally endemic | PK 8 Circuit | All year round | |
Voanioala sp. | Voanioala | Locally endemic | Vohitrampongy Circuit, Verezanantsoro Circuit | All year round |
The Mananara Nord National Park counts:
On the terrestrial flora,
- more than 764 primary forest species
- 436 modified forest species,
totalling more than 1200 species of vascular plants including
- 54 Cryptogams (Pteridophytes) - disperse spores
- 108 Angiosperms (Monocotyledons) - flowering plants
- 861 Angiosperms (Dicotyledons)
- 1 Gymnosperm - seed-producing plants.
These terrestrial ecosystem species are distributed in approximately
- 418 genera
- 117 families
The families most diverse in species are
- 66 species of Rubiaceae - family of flowering plants, commonly known as the coffee family
- 50 species of Euphorbiaceae - family of flowering plants, the spurge family
- 47 species of Arecaceae - family of perennial plants, commonly known as palms
- Fabaceae - family of flowering plants, commonly known as the legume, pea or bean family
- Flacourtiaceae - defunct family of flowering plants
- 27 species of Sapotaceae - family of flowering plants, evergreen trees and shrubs.
The palm group is the particularity of Mananara Nord National Park. It can be seen from sea level to the peak of Verezanantsoro. Currently, there are 47 including at least 2 locally endemic palm species. These are Dypsis antanambensis and Dypsis linearis (Dypsis anovensis).
On the marine flora,
- 114 species in 3 different habitats.
The seagrass counts:
- 32 species of Algae
- 9 species of Phanerogams - seed plants.
The mangroves are home to:
- 7 out of 9 mangrove species found in Madagascar.
On the islands of Nosy Atafana, Nosy Rangontsy and Nosy Hely grow 98 species of plants.
Of the 3 types of littoral forest (near sea level on laterite, sand and granite blocks) in the reserve, those of the islands of the marine park are the poorest in species.
The terrestrial park includes a terrestrial ecosystem with two types of plant formations:
- low-altitude rainforest
- savoka - secondary vegetation made up of different types
- Psiadia altissima
- Trema orientalis
- Harungana madagascariensis
- Ravenala madagascariensis
- Anthostema madagascariensis
- Uapaca ferruginea.
These different types of formation grow on the ground generally ferralitic and rest on the crystalline base: granite of Antongil and migmatite of Mananara.
In addition to these two types of formations encountered in the park, there are also the coastal forests growing along the coast and mainly between Antanambe and Anove.
In the marine park following types of environment are distinguished:
- mangroves
- grass beds
- inner flats
- external slopes,
- rocky cliffs
- passes.
Among these environments are the inner flats and the external slopes north, south and west which are the richest in fish species.
How to get there
By road from Antananarivo to Toamasina on RN2, then Toamasina to Mananara Nord on RN5. There is a paved road from Toamasina to Soanierana Ivongo and thereafter a secondary road from Soanierana Ivongo to Mananara. The roads are accessible all year round, but in poor condition. The total travel time from Antananarivo to the park is two to three days.
By taxi brousse from Antananarivo (Ambodivona bus station) to Toamasina and then from Toamasina (Tanambao V bus station) to Mananara.
By boat from Mananara to the park (1-1.5 hour by speedboat, 3-4 hours by slow boat), or from Antanambe to the park (45 minutes by speedboat). From Soanierana Ivongo or Sainte Marie to Mananara it takes 5 hours by boat respectively. The sea is calm from April to October.
Guides and entrance fees
There are two park offices located in Antanambe and Mananara (Mahambolona). There you can get all the information regarding guides, tours, admission fees within the park and guide rates.
There are several guides available for your visit to the park. They all speak French and English and have received training in guiding techniques and flora and fauna.
The admission fee for visiting the park for foreign tourists is 45,000 Ariary per day, children pay 25,000 Ariary per day (prices 2015). Guides are obligatory. The fee for a guide depends on the chosen tour (circuit). There are also porters available. The fee for a porter is 12,000 Ariary per day, including his meals and accommodation.
Circuits (Tours)
Verezanantsoro Circuit
Medium circuit, 20km in one day. Sudden climate change: rain, temperature difference between sunny area and in dense forest area.
What to see?
You will cross cloves and vanilla plantations in a beautiful landscape along the coast, amazing panoramic view before diving into the heart of a low-altitude forest with exceptional biodiversity such as lemurs (Indri, Black-and-white ruffed lemur), birds…
Guide with car: 30,000 Ariary, porter: 15,000 Ariary (2015)
Nosy Antafana Circuit
Easy circuit, 16km trekking for half a day during the calm sea period (October to April).
What to see?
First marine site created in Madagascar and among the most beautiful reefs of the Indian Ocean, Nosy Antafana is like a giant aquarium where beach, mangrove, coastal forest and dive site are wonders of nature.
It is a day of swimming, diving and relaxing. During a walk in the coastal forest you will see seabirds and their nests and flying foxes. Be curious to hear about the legend of Nosy Antafana and that of "Rangotsy".
Guide with car: 30,000 Ariary, porter: 15,000 Ariary (2015)
Ivontaka Sud Circuit
Difficult and sporty circuit, 16km trekking from Sahasoa. Steep slope on the eastern side. Abrupt climate change, big temperature difference between the sunny zone and under dense forest area.
What to see?
Through the development of agricultural lands for cash crops and food crops you will climb slowly with beautiful panoramic views. In the dense forest you will see lemurs (Indri, Black-and-white ruffed lemur, Brown lemur), flora (endemic plants, orchids) and birds (Helmet vanga, Madagascar crested ibis). You will also pass a natural swimming pool and coastal landscape.
Guide with car: 30,000 Ariary, porter: 15,000 Ariary (2015)
Varary Circuit
Difficult circuit, 16km trekking, 2 days.
What to see?
Enjoy the agricultural landscapes and discover a rich fauna and flora and the best panoramas of the park.
Guide with car: 30,000 Ariary, porter: 15,000 Ariary (2015)
Combined Fanihy Circuit - Rangontsy Circuit, Diving Circuit
Guide with car: 30,000 Ariary, porter: 15,000 Ariary (2015)
Tourist attractions in the area (outside the protected area)
Antanambao Mandrisy Community Tours for village tourism
Accessible by 4x4, motorcycle or foot. The terrestrial tour starts 1.7km west of the village Antanambao Mandrisy. Near the village are mangroves and the beach.
What to see?
The tour is managed by a women's organisation in collaboration with Madagascar National Parks. On location, there is a lodge with two bungalows, family room, restaurant and information boards about the proposed tours. You can either go on a mangroves and beach tour or you can visit the coastal forest and discover agro-ecological landscape, a waterfall and the Betsimisaraka culture.
Sahasoa Community Tour for village tourism
1km from the village of Sahasoa.
What to see?
This tour is managed by a women's organisation in collaboration with Madagascar National Parks. On location, there is a seaside lodge with two bungalows, family room, restaurant and information boards about the proposed tours. You can go on a tour through agro-ecologial landscape, visit a historic cave and learn about the Betsimisaraka culture.
Andavakandrehy Tour
Accessible by 4x4, motorcycle, mountainbike or foot. The terrestrial tour starts 1.7km west of the village Antanambao Mandrisy. Near the village are mangroves and beach. The tour starts 6km south of Mananara (3km driveable).
What to see?
You will see National Culutral Heritage - an ancient tomb and historic cave. You will walk through agro-ecologial landscape and discover the Betsimisaraka culture.
Habits and customs in the region
Tsaboraha is a widespread traditional custom in the Eastern region. By bringing the whole community together, it is a ceremony that strengthens social bonds. During those three days, the tsaboraha requires the participation of all.
After the initiating family has obtained the permission from ancestral spirits, men, women and children of the region actively participate in the preparation of the ritual. At each of the many steps, large quantities of betsabetsa (traditional rum) are distributed. The men will cut the wood that the children collected in the surrounding forests, while the women prepare the rice.
The young men of the village participate in tolon'omby, a form of bullfighting with a strong young bull which is marked with a white spot on the forehead. Once tamed, the animal is taken to "Fijoroana", a sacred place where it will be sacrificed the next day after a festive vigil and the search of the sacred tree during the night. After the killing, the body of the zebu is shared and prepared for a feast that can gather up to a thousand people.
A Jôro consists of making an offering to the ancestors as a recognition of the benefits they have kindly granted or wish to grant in the near future.
Rasariagna is a kind of joro by the Betsimisaraka to commemorate the good deeds of their ancestors. They do this to thank their ancestors and to signify them that they are not forgotten. The rasariagna always takes place on a Saturday.
Tsikafara is a joro that the Betsimisaraka perform when faced with difficulty. Before an examination or any test, they will make an offering to the ancestors to ask for their support in solving the task without obstacles. It is a vow made in private or in public. But in every situation, if successful the vow must be fulfilled.
Cultural highlights in the region
- Historical
- The story of Nosy Antafana is much attached to a certain Rangontsy, a seer who lived in the village of Sahasoa in the mid-nineteenth century, originally coming from the Vohemar region in northeastern Madagascar. Nosy Rangontsy, the second island of Mananara Nord Biosphere Reserve, is named after him. It is also the place where his tomb is located.
- the origin of the village of Antanambe and the town of Mananara and its name
- the unification pact of the Betsimisaraka in Ambitsika by Ratsimilaho
- history of the origin of zanamalata (son of a mulatto)
- history of Ambatifitra and Amboavavy
- history of Antivarikandana with the Sambiarivo of Andavakandrehy
- history of Ambatonakolahy
- Custom
- respect towards the elders (olombe)
- Fady (forbidden, tabou)
- fady days: Tuesday and Thursday
- fady food: goat meat, beef without horns (omby bory), a certain pea (voanjobory), pig meat (for some people)
- Holy places
- Nosy Rangtonsy, tombs and ancient tombs (Sambiarivo)
- Legend
- about Rangontsy (originally the name of the second island of the marine park)
- of Soalahy (the origin of the name of the village Sahasoa, that is to say Sahanisoalahy)
- of Zafindrainibanda (the descendants of pirates)
- Amboavavy (Antsirabe Fontsiarivo)
- Antivarikandana (Sahave)
- Anecdotes
- the origin of the word zanamalata, which designates the tribe considered as owners of the town of Mananara and its surroundings, comes from the French word mulâtre (mulatto)
- the origin of the word zafindrainibanda, which designates the tribe considered bloodthirsty, comes from the French word bandit (bandit)
Specialties of the region
- Crafts
- basketry, carpentry
- Cuisine
- coconut based cuisine (octopus with coconut, coconut fish, coconut cassava leaves, sahoaba - banana with coconut,...)
- Vegetables and fruits
- coconut, banana, breadfruit, lychees, jackfruit, anamalao (flowering herb), angivy (little eggplant)
- clove, largest producer in Madagascar
- vanilla, 1st producer in Toamasina province
- coffee
- Farming
- cattle
- poultry (chicken and waterfowl)
- beekeeping
- pigs (more and more popular)
- Market
- takes place during the fady days of Tuesday and Thursday, when it is not allowed to work on the fields, especially to grow rice. It is gaining momentum during the green vanilla season in the months of June to September.
There are over 186 villages and hamlets. A large part of the population is farmers. The dominant agricultural activity is rice cultivation (slash/burn and irrigated) and cash crops. Mananara is the largest producer of cloves in Madagascar, of vanilla in the Toamasina province and is also one of the largest coffee producers. As for fishing, despite the strong potential, fishery resources are still underutilised in Mananara.
The majority of the population consists of the Betsimisaraka ethnic group with a strong presence of Tsimihety and Métis Chinese (mixed-race), Betsileo and Merina. Most of the people live in the fertile valleys of Mananara, Sandrakatsy, Saharamy and Manambato.
Accommodation in the park
Ecotourism lodge of Nosy Antafana
Bed & breakfast
Community Lodge Antanambao-Mandrisy