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Croc Farm

1,085 bytes added, 14:27, 16 December 2012
Created page with ' "Many legends and myths about crocodiles are told by Aborigines of Australia's tropical north. Some of these legends concern the beginning of the universe. According to an ancie…'

"Many legends and myths about crocodiles are told by Aborigines of Australia's tropical north. Some of these legends concern the beginning of the universe. According to an ancient legend in the native Aboriginal Gunwinggu language of Arnhem Land, the todays Liverpool river was created by a large ancestral crocodile. This crocodile came from inside the earth beyond the mountain ranges and headed for the sea chewing the earth in its path and leaving deep furrows, which were filled with water to form the river Liverpool."

(Beaucoup de mythos et de légendes portant sur les crocodiles son racontés par les Aborigenes du Nord tropical de l'Australie certaines de ces légendes concernent le commencement de l'univers. Suivant un récit des Gunwinggu de la terre d'Arnhem, ce que l'on appel aujourd'hui Liverpool river fut creé par un grand crocodile ancestral, qui sortit de l'intérieur des terre audelá des chaines de montagnes et se dirigea vers la mer machant la terre sur son chemin et y laissant de profonds sillons, qui s'emplirent d'eau pour former le fleuve Liverpool.)

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