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Paositra Malagasy

43 bytes removed, 15:27, 31 January 2016
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'''Paositra Malagasy is the national post service of Madagascar. The central post office is located a few blocks from S[[oarano Soarano Train Station]] at the end of [[Independence Avenue]]. A second post office is near [[Hotel Colbert]].'''
{| class="imageTable"
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-18.906286907108" lon="47.523186522864" zoom="1615" scale="yes" controls="large">-18.903871904693, 47.52157752074'''[[Soarano Train Station]]Main Post Office'''-18.907707910635, 47.526276Fruit, vegetable and meat market525745
-18.903932906632, 47.521652523991-18.907433907534, 47.524946524774

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