Madagascar National Parks

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Madagascar National Parks was founded in 1990 and recognised in 1991. This private non-profit organisation assures conservation and management of Madagascar's national parks and reserves.

Madagascar National Parks is devoted to the preservation of ecosystems in protected areas, the biodiversity of dedicated research, environmental education and the initiation of ecotourism. Through an equitable division of the entrance fees, the association also supports the development of neighbouring villages and regions of the protected areas, which are the first recipients.

In 2010, Madagascar National Parks opened a shop and information point at the Soarano Train Station in the capital of Antananarivo. The showroom is a good information point for any tourists interested in visiting the national parks.

Madagascar National Parks
Immeuble Madagascar National Parks
Ambatobe - BP 1424
101 Antananarivo


Terrestrial National Park

  • Andohahela
  • Andringitra
  • Ankarafantsika
  • Ankarana
  • Baie de Baly
  • Bemaraha
  • Isalo
  • Kirindy Mitea
  • Mananara Nord
  • Mantadia Andasibe
  • Marojejy
  • Masoala
  • Midongy Befotaka
  • Montagne d'Ambre
  • Ranomafana
  • Tsimanampesotse
  • Tsingy de Namoroka
  • Zahamena
  • Zombitse Vohibasia

Marine National Park

  • Mananara Nord
  • Sahamalaza

Natural Reserve

  • Bemaraha
  • Betampona
  • Lokobe
  • Tsaratanana
  • Zahamena

Special Reserve

  • Ambatovaky
  • Ambohijanahary
  • Ambohitantely
  • Analamerana
  • Andasibe Analamazaotra
  • Andranomena
  • Anjanaharibe Sud
  • Bemarivo
  • Beza Mahafaly
  • Bora
  • Cap Sainte Marie
  • Ivohibe
  • Kalambatritra
  • Kasijy
  • Mangerivola
  • Maningoza
  • Manombo
  • Manongarivo
  • Marotandrano
  • Montagne et Forêt d’Ambre
  • Tampoketsa Analamaintso