
Patric Chocolate

5 bytes added, 18:54, 30 April 2011
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[[File:Patric Chocolate 0001.jpg|600px|none]]
The Patric brand was created in 2006 by Alan Patrick McClure, reflecting his middle-name minus the “k”. After having travelled extensively in search for the finest quality cacao source, he launched his first Patric bar in 2007: A 70% cocoa bar made from a single-estate cacao farm in the [[Sambirano]] Valley in northern Madagascar.
The Patric Madagascar collection includes a 75% bar, also made from Sambirano cocoa, sometimes referred to as the “espresso of Madagascar chocolates”.
Part of Patric's Madagascar collection is a 70% bar branded "In-NIB-itable Bar". The bar which has expertly roasted cocoa nibs on one side, won the 2011 Good Food Award for chocolate, a competition based on blind tasting sessions with 115 chocolate entries.
Alan “Patric” McClure is considered one of a few pioneering American bean-to-bar chocolate makers. In 2010 his brand was awarded the Best New American Chocolate by Food & Wine magazine. He is one of the founding members and current Chairman of the Craft Chocolate Makers of America - an organisation created in 2011 by five of the nations leading bean-to-bar choclate chocolate makers.
'''Patric Chocolate'''<br>
Tel: 573-814-7520<br>
Email: []<br>
Website: []