Talk:Masoala Nature Guide

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DAY 1: MAROANTSETRA——FIZONO 8hours walks with canoe

After breakfast from your hotel in Maroantsetra in the morning take canoe trips up to river 1h20mn Andranofotsy begining of treking through the private tropical park Farankaraina continues walking to several village of vanilla , Cloves , pepers ,ricefield lunchtimes following pic-nic well preparing from Maroantsetra carring by our porter’s at the communuties Mahalevona 1/2hours We eat afternoons walks until FIZONO the village we will stops 1st night .


8hours with searching Red-ruffed lemur at coridores forest Ambatolaidama parts of Masoala national parks . After earlier breackfast morning from Fizono packing all staff from litle bungalows own by villages continous the trekings crossing several streams some climbing steeply mountain with mud after 3hours walks come to Ambatolaidama limite inside of coridores Masoala national parks is good forest for Red-ruffed lemur and have a base of parks arranger they keep growing tree-nursery . We take a lunch pic-nic and waiting the sound of Red-ruffed lemur withing sodenly walking to get and looking for this Red-ruffed lemur afternoons continous the treking until the village Ampokafo in opening areas and camping overnight here the porter’s are can help us in any thing theyknow set up our tents …withing cooking our meal at night in our arriving all well preparing we stops for 2nd night . DAY 3 : AMPOKAFO —- TSARARAPAKA : duration walks 6hour’s and half .

After breakfast from Ampokafo with all staff ready with pic-nic at the forest well prepared , this is hardest parts of climbing mountain 2hour’s in Anjiro from the top you see the views of 2 villages Ampokafo and Manakambahiny very impressive views of landscaps down . Continous the ways inside of the parks Masoala through forest and seeing several birds and hearing always the Red-ruffed lemur , you feel and see also very nature also change the direction of streams direction CAP-EAST at night camping at Tsararapaka realy in Heart of the parks Masoala because evening or at night we can spot wildlifes just right fews meter’s from our Tents : FOSA , Masoala wolly lemur , Mouse lemur this camping areas all my Teams are very expert for build immediatly the camping equipment overnights in 3rd nights .

DAY 4 : TSARARAPAKA —- MARIVORANO : duration walks 7hour’s After breakfast the treking is less hard about mountain but in the first 3 hour’s total in forest until the Befilipo fields was we are again in tuff forest of Masoala national parks may see several tipical wildlifes like : Red-ruffed lemur , Red-breasted couas , Blue couas , Madagascar wood rail those are birds. Since Befilipo camping areas : We following the side by River the ways are wet withing sleepery rocks in the water ways or crossing 50times river along ways in this days picn-nic on the way before that you can take a bath before pic-nic at Betsirebika side by the big stream afternoons continous the seeing the camping of people working in fields . At night we camp near small village Marivorano .

DAY 5 : MARIVORANO ——- ANTANANDAVAHELY  :7hour’s walking

After breakfast walking 7hour’s , Several times follows the main streams until he get the main big river and get much stronger until Antanandavahely and you see birds , Cameleons some mudy pic -nic on the ways at Ambalavy they was people live in many camping areas but the system of national parks take then to stays in one places to make a villages you feel the forest already exported and they do TAVY the system to planted rices but at district Antalaha are many association of NGO for exemple GRAIN DE VIE his slogan is TIME TO PLANT THE TREE NURSERYregenerated the forest in Cap-Est evenning camping in small village Antanandavahely the village we take a canoe for 3hours and half since here the the most seeing here the wild crocodiles in this also our porter’s will stops . Becose the rest of ways are seeting in canoe and by Taxi-Moto or Taxi-brousse . DAY 6 : ANTANANDAVAHELY ———- CAP EST AMBOHITRALANANA : CANOEING A LONG OF RIVER ONIVE 3h:30mn – 4 hours On ways THE SAME DAY DRIVE BY TAXI-MOTOS OR TAXI-BROUSSE again 3 – 4hours duration to Antalaha . This day just setting in canoe padaling down at the River to the big community Ambohitralanana . On the ways can see the crocodiles take a sun bath at this river call Onive . After 3:30mn durations arrive at Ambohitralanana . This same day drive by Taxi-Moto or taxi-brousse up to Antalaha .From Ambohitralanana — Antalaha along of costlines several landscap of following comunity of planting vanille association and NGO for regenerated forest ( Trees nursery ) taxi duration 3 – 4hours . The PORTER’S DROP OFF ANTANDAVAHELY BUT GUIDE DROP OFF IN ANTALAHA . PRICE 2019 INCLUDS ARE :

Porter’s , Guide fees, Foods , Ticket parks fees , Tents , Bungalows or apartement on way until Ambohitralanana , Taxi in Ambohitralanana ,Canoe Andranofotsy and Antanandavahely .

PRICES : 1PAX = 3 148 200,00 ARIARY IF ARE SOLO IN YOUR GROUP 2 PAX = 4 525 200,00 ARIARY IF YOU ARE 2PERSONS 3PAX = 6 462 504,00 ARIARY IF YOU ARE 3 PERSONS IN YOUR GROUP . 4 PAX = 7 581 600,00 ARIARY IF YOU ARE 4 PERSONS IN YOUR GROUP Send me questions if you are more than 4 peoples in 1GROUPE EXCLUDED ARE : All kind of drinks , your hotel in Maroantsetra or Antalaha . Email us further informations : We can helps your specialities if you are phanatis or Scientists want to searching you need exemple : Birds watchers , Botanicals , lemurs tours or Generalist like every thing you will see . Infos tours parks North-East Madagascar , Trekker’s guide , Tours Excursions Camping et Bivouac , Lodges infos . Our TEAM Guide fluent : English , French , German Contact us : email : Whatsapps +261 32 44 039 28 Phone +261 32 44 039 28 Phone +261 34 92 412 65