Produits TAF Madagascar

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Fleur de Sel

  • sea salt with pepper or combava
  • 100% natural, harvested by hand

Description on the package: The salt from the Salinière d'Antsiranana area is harvested by hand according ancient methods of the salt workers of the Atlantic. The result is a natural, high-quality salt, one of the wonders of Antsiranana in Madagascar. Before serving, sprinkle the salt over the food and the salt will release its delicate flavour.

  • Magnesium: 380mg/100g, Calcium: 320mg/100g

Other products

  • coffee, curry, pepper, vanilla tea

Produits TAF Madagascar
Lalana Ravoninahitriniarivo
BP 1442 Antananarivo 101

Mr Chen Pen
Tel: +261 (0)20 22 394 40
Fax: +261 (0)20 22 394 44