
Andrianampoinimerina - King of Merina Kingdom

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[[File:Andrianampoinimerina.jpg|left]] Andrianampoinimerina <i>(The Prince in the Heart of Imerina)</i>, short for Andrianampoinimerinandriantsimitoviaminandriampanjaka <i>(The beloved Prince of Imerina who surpasses the reigning Prince)</i>, was king of the Merina kingdom in Madagascar in the 18th century and is considered as one of the greatest political rulers and military strategists of all times.
Andrianampoinimerina was born in 1745 in Ikaloy in the kingdom of Ambohimanga. He was the son of <i>Andriamiaramanjaka (King of Ikaloy)</i> and <i>Ranavalonanandriambelomasina (Princess of Ambohimanga)</i>. At 1787 he became king of the small Ambohimanga kingdom. In 1794 he conquered the neighbouring kingdom of Antananarivo and moved his headquarter to Antananarivo. After uniting the various Merina kingdoms from the central plateau of Madagascar, he also conquered other highland tribes, such as the Betsileo, Sihanaka, Bezanozano and Bara territories. By 1810, the time of his death, Andrianampoinimerina had conquered two thirds of Madagascar. The Merina kingdom was the most powerful empire in the history of Madagascar.