North Eastern Wildlife Photography Tour

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Revision as of 06:18, 4 June 2018 by MissMada (talk | contribs)

Marojejy National Park - Daraina Reserve - Ankarana National Park - Andrafiamena Special Reserve - Amber Mountain National Park - Emerald Sea
15 days & 14 nights


Mountains and montane rainforest in Marojejy National Park: Landscapes, to see Silky sifaka and Helmet vanga
Daraina Reserve: Observation of the Golden-crowned sifaka
Tsingy of Ankarana West: Visit of Big Tsingy and Lac Vert (Green lake)
Tsingy of Ankarana East: Visit of Tsingy Meva and bat cave Andrafiamena Special Reserve: Observation of the endangered Perrier's sifaka
The rainforest of Amber Mountain National Park: Discover of Crowned lemur
Day excursion to Emerald Sea in traditional sailing boat (pirogue)

When do go

Feasibility: January to December
 Best season: April to December

Tour description

Day 1: Antananarivo - Sambava - Marojejy National Park - Camp Mantella (B/L/D)

Breakfast and departure to Marojejy National Park (5h drive). Picnic lunch on the way. Arrival at the camp. The Marojejy massif mountains are extremely rich and diverse in fauna and flora. The park is home to 12 species of lemurs and the best place in Madagascar to see the Silky sifaka, which is endemic to this region, including the five rarest primates in the world. There are over 125 bird species, 150 species of reptiles and amphibians, 30 species of palm trees and over 300 species of ferns. It is also the place to find the Takhtajania perrieri - a tree which is believed to exist on earth for about 120 million years.
From the village of Manantenina we start the hike to Camp Mantella. We discover the primary rainforest. We may have the opportunity to see several species of reptiles and amphibians, as well as bird species such as the Hook-billed vanga, White-headed vanga, Helmet vanga and Red-breasted coua. Arrival at Camp Mantella (450m altitude) and lunch. In the afternoon we discover the surroundings of Camp Mantella and visit the Humbert waterfall. Dinner and night at Camp Mantella.

Day 2: Camp Mantella - Camp Simpona (B/L/D)
Breakfast and hiking up to Camp Simpona (about 6h). We have the opportunity to see the rare Silky sifaka which is endemic to this rainforest. We stop at Camp Marojejya for lunch. In the afternoon we continue our walk to Camp Simpona. Arrival at the camp at 1250m altitude. A night walk around the camp is possible. Dinner and night at Camp Simpona.

Day 3: Camp Simpona - Summit - Camp Marojejya (B/L/D)

Early breakfast and departure for the highest elevation and rising up to the peak of Marojejy’s summit at 2132m altitude. This will be a long and strenuous day of hiking. The trails in the park and up to the summit are very hard and steep, so one needs strong physical condition. The summit is often wet and cloudy. Marojejy mountain - an astoundingly isolated island of lush rainforest. From the summit we enjoy great views onto the beautiful forest with the mighty Indian Ocean at the horizon. Spend full morning hiking and then walk back to the camp for lunch. In the afternoon we walk down to Camp Marojejya. At sunset, possibility to go for a night walk around the camp. Dinner and night in a hut at Camp Marojejya.

Day 4: Camp Marojejya - Camp Mantella - Sambava (B/L/D)

Breakfast and thereafter a long hike off the mountain, though this time with gravity on our side! Along the way, we will have chances to continue savouring the unique and rarely seen birdlife of Marojejy. We continue to leave the primary forest towards the national park boundary. Steep slopes, mud and several small river crossings will make for a truly adventurous day 5h to walk. Picnic lunch on the road and drive back to Sambava (2h). Arrival at the hotel. Night in Sambava.

Day 5: Sambava - Vohemar - Daraina Reserve (B/L/D)

Breakfast and early departure from Sambava to Vohemar (3h). Lunch on the way in a local restaurant. To reach the remote paradise of Daraina Reserve from Vohemar is not easy; this is a tough drive on a very bad road including river crossings (4h of bumpy road). Arrival at the camp. At sunset, possibility to go for a night walk in search of the rare [[Aye-aye]. Night in Daraina Reserve.

Day 6: Daraina Reserve (B/L/D)

Breakfast and thereafter we will spend a full morning exploring Daraina Reserve (1h drive). The local NGO FANAMBY manages this reserve, which is the last natural deciduous forest, home of the endemic Golden-crowned sifaka - one of the rarest lemurs and listed as one of the 25 most threatened primates in the world. Here you may find several bird species including Hook-billed vanga, Crested coua, Madagascar kestrel,... Picnic lunch in the forest and in the afternoon back to Daraina Reserve. Night in Daraina Reserve.

Day 7: Daraina Reserve - Ambilobe - Ankarana National Park (East) (B/L/D)

Breakfast and departure (4h of bumpy road drive) to reach Ambilobe. We drive along the bulky mountain until Ambararaty village. The road is usually dusty or very slippery after the rain and therefore it is a true adventure to reach Ambilobe. Free lunch on the way, and then continuation to Ankarana National Park (3h). Although this is a day’s drive we do have time for a short stop somewhere to take some photos. Arrival and night at the lodge.

Day 8: Ankarana National Park (B/L/D)
Breakfast and thereafter half a day of leisure. In the afternoon visit of the bat cave and lost river. This park protects one of the largest stretches of Tsingy, Madagascar’s most bizarre, wonderful and like from another world landscape. Dinner and night in Ankarana.

Day 9: Day visit of Ankarana National Park (West): (B/L/D)
Breakfast and drive to the western part of Ankarana National Park (2h of bumpy road). We will pass the Big Tsingy and Lac Vert (Green lake). Picnic lunch on the way. Drive back to the lodge in the afternoon. We can do a night walk to search for Ankarana sportive lemur, Northern rufous mouse lemur, Madagascar scops-owl and perhaps we spot an interesting gecko or two. Dinner and night in Ankarana.