JCR Moringa supplement
Exceptional nutritional contribution (proteins, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, copper, vitamin A, B, C and D. Indispensable for the proper balance of the body) Inflammations of all types (digestive system, esophagus, ulcers, colitis, gums). Irritable colonists, slimming aid. Solves anemia and nutrient deficiencies especially for infants, pregnant women and breastfeeding women. In prevention against cardiovascular diseases (bad cholesterol and diabetes).
Dr Jean Claude Ratsimivony is a Doctor of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences and practitioner of alternative and traditional natural medicines. The JCR Group is a consortium of companies founded by him which works in the fields of natural medical treatments. Their product range can be ordered and shipped worldwide via vaniala-naturalspa.com.
JCR Medical CenterAntsakaviro, Lot II M 80 Bis Antsakaviro
Tel: +261 (0)34 49 150 00 / +261 (0)34 56 994 29 / +261 (0)34 12 629 68
Email: jcrgroupe.info@yahoo.fr / jeclra@yahoo.fr
Additional documentation and links
- JCR's immune package in French on MadaCamp.com
- Dr Jean Claude Ratsimivony on MadaCamp.com
- JCR-Vaniala supplements
- JCR's products and usage descriptions in French on MadaCamp.com
- JCR Group's Facebook channel