L'Oasis Nosy Be

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L'Oasis Nosy Be is a café, restaurant and bakery located in the banking district of Nosy Be's capital Hell-Ville.

Those who are bored with the usual Malagasy white baguette are advised to visit L'Oasis. The bakery offers a great selection of bread, rolls, and pastry. Fresh fruit juices and a good tea assortment complete the breakfast to be best enjoyed on the terrace.

The restaurant serves traditional Malagasy meals as well as French cuisine.

L'Oasis Nosy Be is open daily from 6.30am till 9pm.

L'Oasis Nosy Be
Café / Restaurant
Camp Vert Hell Ville
Nosy Be

Tel: +261 (0)34 75 119 95 (mobile)
Email: nmilliot.oasis@croustipain.mg]

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