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Isalo National Park

7 bytes added, 17:26, 18 October 2012
Habits and customs in the region
== Habits and customs in the region ==
* ''Bilo'' - a ritual of exorcism to cure the patient by removing the spirit that inhabits its host. During the a 7-day long ceremony an ox is slaughtered. The involved persons are the patient, the healer, the Mahavatsy and the Tiam-bilo.
*''Turning of the dead'' - a 7-day funeral ritual, at which relatives and villagers have the opportunity to speak to the deceased.
* ''Hazomanga'' - a sacrificial ceremony to pray the "to ''Zanahary" '' for the living and the dead. Hazomanga is the name for of the altar where the sacrifice takes place as well as for of the person who officiates the sacrifice.
* ''Sikily'' - circumcision
Three elements are present in all sacrificial rites:<br>
* ''Prayer '' - to call ''Zanahary'' and the ancestors to explain the reasons for the opportunity and demand.* ''Joro'' - the sacrifice, usually a cow , or rice and honey in case of pregnancyrice and honey.
* ''Tsipirano'' - the blessing, spraying water or water mixed with blood at the Joro.
The omnipresence of zebu in traditional ceremonies is a natural element in the culture of the Bara people. In the past, before getting married, a young Bara had to steal a zebu to prove his strength and bravery. The Malaso Circuit was named after the famous cattle thieves, who until today still use until today the natural labyrinth labyrinths of the Isalo for their activities. ''Malaso'' literally means "cattle thief".
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