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The hotel offers twin, double and family bungalows either air-conditioned or ventilated, equipped with bathroom/hot shower, safe and bed with mosquito net. All bungalows are tastefully furnished and designed with local materials. With the Indian Ocean only a few steps away, guests can fall asleep to the sound of the waves. The price for a bungalow ranges from 80,000 Ariary to 180,000 Ariary (prices from 2014).
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The restaurant building is dominated by a huge salon with stone tiled floor and wooden furniture. As Momo is a passionate collector of Malagasy handicraft, countless wooden sculptures along with shells and crystal stones of all sizes decorate the restaurant area. Guests can enjoy their meals either inside or on a terrace with view over the garden and onto the ocean. All meals are based on fresh local products. Breakfast costs between 7,000 and 10,000 Ariary, a menu for lunch or dinner with seafood costs 30,000 Ariary and without seafood 25,000 Ariary (prices from 2014). Free WLAN is available in the entire restaurant area.