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'''Securing the retirement pension of farmers'''
[[File:Selection Masoala 005.jpg|400px|thumb|Kakaoplantagen aufforsten"Reforesting cocoa plantations, den Regenwald schützen und madagassischen Bauern ein Einkommen sichernprotecting the rainforest and ensuring Malagasy farmers an income: Das Projekt in MadagaskarThe project, unterstützt u.a. vom supported among others by the Zoo Zürich, nimmt Gestalt antakes shape."]]
The aim is to attract up to two hundred farmers for the project within the next five years. Every farmer is expected to plant around a thousand trees, which corresponds to one hectare of land. So far, around thirty Madagascan farmers participate in the reforestation. "We supply them with the material," says Stahl and adds that the main work still lies with the locals. "They provide their fields and invest their work for five years." By building a cooperative, farmers are encouraged to jointly carry out the fermentation, and become independent. The procedure of fermentation only pays off with large amounts of cacao beans. As an interim solution for the first five years, the farmers are ensured that their crop gets purchased. Within this time, the aim is to achieve a fair trade label, acquire an organic certification, and to improve the production of cacao to that extent that delicious chocolate can be produced. This could then be sold on the market.