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A garden restaurant serves traditional Malagasy and international cuisine prepared fresh at the time of order. A small bar behind the reception serves tea, coffee and a selection of drinks throughout the day and evening. {| class="imageTable"|-|colspan="3" | [[File:Maison Lovasoa 046.jpg|600px]]|-|[[File:Maison Lovasoa 064.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Maison Lovasoa 062.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Maison Lovasoa 067.jpg|196px]]|-|} {| class="imageTable"|-|colspan="3" | [[File:Maison Lovasoa 059.jpg|600px]]|-|[[File:Maison Lovasoa 128.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Maison Lovasoa 127.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Maison Lovasoa 126.jpg|196px]]|-|} All room have TV, Wifi, tea cooker, en-suite bathroom/WC and shower. Room service, laundry and ironing are available. Airport transfer and car rentals can be arranged.
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-18.91397" lon="47.529384" zoom="13" controls="large" style="width:100%;max-width:600px">