,→Recharging Telma cards
== Recharging Telma cards ==
Credit for pre-paid Telma accounts can be recharded recharged at Telma shops or via resellers , or by using scratch cards which are sold everywhere in the country. Using scratch cards, Telma numbers are the credit is reacharged directly with your the phone or via Telma's website at https://www.telma.net/recharge/web/recharge/
[[File:Telma scratch cards.jpg]]
Using Telma's website, when a recharge action succeeded , the site's response is <font color="green">La ligne xxx a été rechargée de Ar. Telma vous remercie</font>. If When failed, when if entering the wrong codefor example, the error message returned is <font color="red">technical operation failed – UCIP Error</font>.
Note that numbers for pre-paid Telma accounts expire unless they are used or recharged within a 100-day period. Once expired, and unless the number used has been taken over by a new subscriber, the original number may be restored by completing the relevant form at one of Telma's main sales offices.
== History and key events ==