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Bike Repair Alain

399 bytes added, 06:05, 24 November 2017
Created page with "'''Alain runs together with a small team a bicycle repair shop near the big market in Diego Suarez. The repair shop may look a bit messy, but the work done is of quality and i..."
'''Alain runs together with a small team a bicycle repair shop near the big market in Diego Suarez. The repair shop may look a bit messy, but the work done is of quality and inexpensive.'''

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-12.269455" lon="49.292838" zoom="16" controls="large" style="width:100%;max-width:600px;">
-12.269036, 49.291848
Bike Repair Alain

Tel: +261 (0)32 7849626 (mobile)

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