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North Eastern Tour

463 bytes added, 05:58, 3 June 2018
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'''Day 4: Camp Marojejya - Camp Mantella - Sambava (B/L/D)'''<br>

Breakfast and thereafter a long hike off the mountain, though this time with gravity on our side! Along the way, we will have chances to continue savouring the unique and rarely seen birdlife of Marojejy. We continue to leave the primary forest towards the national park boundary. Steep slopes, mud and several small river crossings will make for a truly adventurous day 5h to walk. Picnic lunch on the road and drive back to Sambava (2h). Arrival at the hotel. Night in Sambava. '''Day 5: Sambava - [[Vohemar]] - Daraina Reserve (B/L/D)
'''<br>Breakfast and ealry departure from Sambava to Vohemar (3h). Lunch on the way in a local restaurant. To reach the remote paradise of Daraina Reserve from Vohemar is not easy; this is a tough drive on a very bad road including river crossings (4h of bumpy road). Arrival at the camp. At sunset possibility to go for a night walk in search of the rare [[Aye-aye]]. Night in Daraina Reserve.

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