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202 bytes added, 06:50, 19 February 2019
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== Internet ==
'''[[Service Serenity Store]]'''<br>
Ambanja centre
Tanambao Mission Ambanja
'''[[Surfing Zone]]'''<br>
near the open fruit market
== Bar / Restaurants ==
[[Hotel Patricia]]
== Shopping ==
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-13.676902" lon="48.447599" type="satellite" zoom="14" controls="large" style="width:100%;max-width:600px;">
-13.683237, 48.45246
[[Bazar Be]]
== Internet ==
'''[[Service Serenity Store]]'''<br>
Ambanja centre
Tanambao Mission Ambanja
'''[[Surfing Zone]]'''<br>
near the open fruit market
== Excursions ==

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