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File talk:Jean Emile 001.jpg

6 bytes removed, 06:20, 19 March 2019
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After breakfast take a tour to virgin rainforest durations 5 -6 hours . On the tour we explore the best parts of bauty of rainforest of Masoala for animal best territory of Red ruffed lemur , White fronted brown lemur , Ring-tailed mongoose , Parson’s cameleons ( Calumna parsonii ) , Stump-tailed cameleons ( Brookesia supersiliaris ) , Birds are : Helmet vanga , Bernier’s vanga , Scally ground roller , Short-legged ground roller , Red fronted couas , Red breasted couas , Blue couas , Serpent Eagle , Giraffe necked weval , Pigmy kingfisher . Lunch will be at the lodge . Afternoons after few relaxes do snorkling at front of our lodge with enjoying sunset at the beaches . When is between 15 June – 15 September in this times you can see the Hamp-back wales . Evening take dinner . FULL BOARD .
. After breakfast from our lodge take walks to littoral forest around the Tampolo if you botanist about palms there , you are welcome to home of palms in Masoala : Satranala decusilvae , Dypsis carlsmithii , Ravenia sembrensis , Lemurophenix halleuxii , also before we get back to shoreline have some territories of birds : Helmet vanga , Serpent Eagle . Take a snorkling at Marine parks around Tampolo following lunch on the beaches afternoons we can do more snorkling because at snorkling seeing differents parrot fishes , nice coral-reefs in a different forms , Angel fishes in colore diffeents too , sea tortels most of our clients seeing it with us when we do the snokling , also unforgettable of blue water withing landscap perfect . Evening back to lodge following dinner .FULL BOARD
Transfert back to Nosy Mangabe national parks by speed boat 1h20mn - 1h45mn depending sea conditions arrive to Nosy Mangabe national parks build up a tents for camping overnight . After sodenly doing hike before lunch times 1h - 2h30mn looking for Black and white ruffed lemur , stump-tailed cameleons ( Brookesia perierasii ) the 3rd smallest cameleons in the world , very easy to take a picture white fronted brown lemur at the camp site following lunch . Afternoons around 15h00mn takes another easy hikes flated paths looking for leaf tailed gecko , Mantella frogs , Mantidactulis frogs and some snackes Boa ( Sanzinia madagascariensis , Acrantophis madagascariensis sns .... ) Trees Boa , Ground Boas sns.... overnight on Nosy Mangabe and can see at crepuscular the Brown mouse lemur's and hearing noisy frogs around the camping areas but not aload to do night walks in the heart of the parks .
After breackfast back to Maroantsetra looking for Tomato frogs ( Discophis antongilii ) because only in this main litle town you can find in the world and visiting the market areas . The program is flexible depend on us we can modifies it up to you my Dear. Thanks for your visit by Masoala Nature Guide TEAM .
PRICE 2019 ARE PER GROUPS IN TOURS : Group solo , groups 2pax in a tours , GROUPS3pax ………….10pax in one groups that’s the prices presented :

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