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'''Brickaville, officially named Ampasimanolotra, although everyone refer to its old name of Brickavilla, is located on the rout route between [[Antananarivo]] (225km from) and Tamatave (134km). Brickaville is an agricultural town centre with plenty of fruit and vegetable to be foundvegetables. Even mangosteen (, an unusual and exotic friot) ia availavble friut, is available here. An important crop is sugar''' <googlemap version="0.9" lat="-18.820355" lon="49.073009" zoom="13" controls="large">-18.820192, 49. 07198Brickaville</googlemap> The area was around Brickaville once a included cocoa producing regionplantations, before and the town was the location of the first chocolate factory in Madagascar, [[Chocolatiere Robert]]. As cocoa plantations eventually moved to the [[Ambanja]] region in the northwest of the country, the cocoa were replaced with sugar cane fields.'''